Police & Crime Plan

Measurement of progress against the Police and Crime Plan

To measure the success of this Plan and the safety of people in Surrey, I will work with the Chief Constable to develop a scorecard of policing data which will include:

  • Measures of crime levels and police outcomes for areas such as violence, sexual offences, fraud, burglary and car crime
  • Measures of anti-social behaviour
  • Levels of satisfaction and public confidence
  • Support provided to victims of crime
  • Road traffic collision data
  • Resources and efficiency data

I will report on these measures in public meetings and on my website and I will also report on the progress against the Plan to the Surrey Police and Crime Panel.

To further inform my oversight, I will look at the results of inspection reports from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS). These provide a more professional assessment of the work of Surrey Police to put data and trends into context. I will also ask partners for their feedback on how the Plan is progressing as well as asking the public for their views through surveys and during my meetings with residents.

Arrangements for holding the Chief Constable to account

I have developed this Plan in consultation with the Chief Constable and he has signed up to its delivery. I have set up a governance and scrutiny structure which allows me to formally hold the Chief Constable to account for delivery and progress against the policing elements of this Plan and the measures associated with it. I publish the agenda and minutes of my scrutiny meetings and they are webcast for the public to view every quarter.

working with partners

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