Your Commissioner monitors performance in all of the areas of Surrey Police’s work in line with the priorities of the Police and Crime Plan set for Surrey and the Governments’ National Priorities for Policing.
Areas that are regularly scrutinised by the Commissioner include:
- Crime levels and outcome rates
- Response times, call handling and contact with the public
- Work to tackle organised criminal groups
- Public confidence and satisfaction with the Police
- Professional standards and complaints against the Police
- Financial management
- Preparedness for emergencies
In addition, the Commissioner and/or our office regularly hold and attend meetings that assist in monitoring the performance of Surrey Police, including residents’ meetings, meetings of the Joint Audit Committee and performance meetings.
You can more information about all meetings on our Meetings and Agendas page.
Our dedicated Data Hub
Our dedicated Data Hub contains up to date information on the latest performance measures for Surrey Police, as well information on the budget and commissioning activities of our office, and your contact with the Commissioner.
You can use it to see how Surrey Police is responding to 101 and 999 calls, how the Force is progressing against each area of the Police and Crime Plan or how we’re using our budget to support local services.
The Hub is updated monthly, meaning it acts as a live version of the information your Commissioner uses to monitor Surrey Police performance in regular discussions with the Chief Constable:
Public performance & Accountability meetings
Public Performance and Accountability meetings are regularly held with the Chief Constable of Surrey Police. They are normally live streamed from the Police HQ in Guildford and include a discussion about the latest performance updates from the Force, as well as additional updates on specific projects or themes identified through public feedback or happening now.
The date of the next public Performance and Accountability meeting will be confirmed here soon.
View the recordings from the latest public performance meetings meetings on our YouTube channel playlist or download the latest Performance Report (October 2023) here.
Complaints and confidence in policing
Your Commissioner closely monitors how complaints are handled by Surrey Police and receives regular updates on the Force’s performance in relation to contact with the public, misconduct cases and recommendations from the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC).
Our Complaints data pages contains more information on how we monitor Surrey Police’s handling of complaints, including quarterly updates on performance and the outcome of random file checks carried out by our office:
HMICFRS reports
Inspection reports on Surrey Police performance are also produced by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS).
The HMICFRS report on overall Force performance is referred to as the ‘PEEL report’ as it measures Police Effectiveness, Efficiency and Legitimacy.
- Read the latest inspection report (2023-25) or see the outcomes in the image below:
Monitoring Surrey Police finances
Surrey Police finances

The Commissioner is responsible for scrutinising Force finances, including how Surrey Police sets its budget, maximises value for money and reports financial performance.
Council Tax

It is your Commissioner’s responsibility to set the level of council tax you pay towards policing each year, following your feedback on policing.
Joint Audit Committee

The Joint Audit Committee provides the Commissioner and Surrey Police with independent and effective assurance about the adequacy of financial management and reporting.
Independent Custody Visiting (ICV) Scheme
Independent Custody Visitors carry out unannounced visits to police custody suites to check on the welfare and fair treatment of individuals detained by Surrey Police. They also check the conditions of custody to help enhance the safety and effectiveness of custody for everyone.
Managing a Custody Visiting scheme is one of the statutory duties of your Commissioner as part of the scrutiny of Surrey Police performance. Reports by volunteer Custody Visitors completed after each visit help to address concerns and improve processes.
Learn more on our Independent Custody Visiting page.
External Scrutiny Panels
External Panels made up of members of the public provide independent scrutiny of key areas of policing in Surrey.
They have access to data from Surrey Police in order to carry out random checks and advise the Force on ways to improve performance and trust in policing:
- Rape and Serious Sexual Offences No Further Action (NFA) Panels
- Custody Scrutiny Panel
- Stop and Search and Use of Force Scrutiny Panel
- The Ethics Committee
- Independent Advisory Group
- Hate Crime Scrutiny Panel
Please contact us for more information on any of the above panels.
You can see more information about Stop and Search and Use of Force on our Stop and Search and Use of Force page.
Upcoming meetings
Meetings will be live streamed using Facebook and a video of each meeting made available.