Representing the communities we serve is central to your Commissioner’s role and responsibilities in Surrey. Our office works to make sure that there are opportunities for every person to influence policing in the county.
Representation – Surrey Police
Public bodies with 150 or more employees are required to publish data on their workforce and demonstrate that they consider how their activities as an employer affect people.
See the employer data from Surrey Police.
Representation – our office
Women account for 59% of the substantive employees of our team. Currently, one member of staff is from an ethnic minority background (5% of staff total) and 9% of staff have declared a disability as described by section 6 of the Equality Act 2010(1).
Your voice
Our office and Surrey Police also work with a number of local groups to ensure that the voice of different communities are reflected in policing. Details of the Surrey Police Independent Advisory Group (IAG) and our links with representative community groups can be found below.
We regularly work with and speak to a variety of local partners including Surrey Community Action, Surrey Minority Ethnic Forum and Surrey Coalition of Disabled People.
Independent Advisory Group
The Independent Advisory Group seeks to promote local community confidence and to act as a ‘critical friend’ to Surrey Police. The IAG consists of a cross section of Surrey residents, including representatives of our student community. IAG members are appointed for their specialist knowledge, experience and/or links with minority groups and ‘hard to reach’ communities in Surrey.
You can contact the IAG or express your interest in joining, by emailing the Inclusion Team at Surrey Police who will forward your enquiry to the Chair.
Surrey-i is a local information system which allows residents and public bodies to access, compare and interpret data about communities in Surrey.
Our office, along with local councils and other public bodies, use Surrey-i to help understand the needs of local communities. This is essential when planning local services to meet both current and future needs. We believe that by consulting local people and using the evidence in Surrey-i to inform our decision making we will help make Surrey an even better place to live.
Visit the Surrey-i website to learn more.
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