SURREY’S Police and Crime Commissioner has been visiting communities around the county to discuss the policing issues that matter most to residents.
Lisa Townsend regularly speaks at meetings in Surrey’s towns and villages, and in the past fortnight has addressed packed halls in Thorpe, alongside Runneymede’s Borough Commander James Wyatt, Horley, where she was joined by Borough Commander Alex Maguire, and Lower Sunbury, which was also attended by Sergeant Matthew Rogers.
This week, she will speak at the Merstham Community Hub in Redhill on Wednesday, March 1 between 6pm and 7pm.
Her Deputy, Ellie Vesey-Thompson, will address Long Ditton residents at the Surbiton Hockey Club between 7pm and 8pm on the same day.

On March 7, both Lisa and Ellie will speak to residents in Cobham, and a further meeting is set to take place in Pooley Green, Egham on March 15.
All of Lisa and Ellie’s community events are now available to view by visiting
Lisa said: “Speaking with Surrey residents about the issues that most concern them is one of the most important roles to be tasked to me when I was elected as Commissioner.
“A key priority in my Police and Crime Plan, which sets out the issues that matter most for residents, is to work with communities so they feel safe.
“Since the beginning of the year, Ellie and I have been able to answer questions about anti-social behaviour in Farnham, speeding drivers in Haslemere and business crime in Sunbury, to name just a few.

“During each meeting, I’m joined by officers from the local policing team, who are able to provide answers and reassurance on operational issues.
“These events are hugely important, both for me and for residents.
“I would encourage anyone with comments or concerns to either attend one of the meetings, or to organise one of their own.
“I will always be glad to attend and speak to all residents directly about the issues that have an impact on their lives.”
For more information, or to sign up to Lisa’s monthly newsletter, visit