Decision 07/2023 – Community Safety Fund Applications and Children & Young People Applications May 2023

Author and Job Role: Molly Slominski, Partnership and Community Safety Officer

Protective Marking:  Official

Executive Summary:

For 2023/24 the Police and Crime Commissioner has made available £383,000 for the Community Safety Fund to ensure continued support to local community, voluntary and faith organisations. The Police and Crime Commissioner also made available £275,000 for the Children and Young People’s Fund which is a dedicated resource to support activities and groups who work with children and young people across Surrey to stay safe.

Applications for the Community Safety Fund

Core Service Awards

Crimestoppers – Regional Manager

To award Crimestoppers £8,000 towards the core costs of the Regional Manager post. The Regional Manager role works with the local partnerships to develop, detect, reduce, and prevent crime in Surrey as a vital link between the community and policing and supporting the Police and Crime Plan. 

Surrey Police – Op Signature

To award Surrey Police £60,000 towards Op Signature which is a victim support service for victims of fraud. The funding supports the salary cost of 2 x FTE Fraud Caseworkers in the Victim and Witness Care Unit. The Victim Navigators provide tailored one-to-one support to vulnerable victims of fraud particularly those with complex needs. The caseworkers assist those victims in ensuring that they receive the support required and to work with police to put in place effective interventions focused on reducing further victimisation.

Women’s Support Centre – Counselling Service

To award the Women’s Support Centre £20,511 to support them in delivering their counselling service which supports women through a trauma informed, gender specific intervention. The service is aimed at providing therapeutic support for women involved in, or at risk of being involved in the criminal justice system. During therapy, the counsellor will address many factors recognised as risks to offending including: substance misuse, domestic abuse, mental health related issues and other difficult life experiences. 

Mediation Surrey CIO – Mediation Surrey

To award Mediation Services £120,000 to run the core of their service supporting communities/neighbours and families by providing mediation and coaching to Surrey residents experiencing neighbour, intergenerational or general community disputes. Their services focus on community relationships and individual wellbeing to enable residents to lead peaceful lives and participate in their community. The services provide a process for dealing with community harm and anti-social behaviour in a way that allows everyone to be heard and to reach resolution that is realistic and acceptable to all. The Support coaching service for victims of anti-social behaviour builds confidence, skills and strategies for victims to deal with the situations and fears they face. The funding provides a service which supports individuals, families and communities to build relationships, communicate more effectively and address issues before they reach crisis point. This is a three-year grant which subject to approval will provide £126,000 for financial year 2024-2025 and £129,780 for financial year 2025-2026.

Surrey Police – E-CINS

To award Surrey Police £40,000 to the case management system E-CINs. Surrey uses a county-wide software application forProvide a problem statement and explain which business need(s) are to be fulfilled? Legislative, financial, performance etc? To include the problem statement from the Concept document.

 Individual Case Management. In 2019 the Community Safety Board agreed the transition to E-CINs to support secure partnership information sharing. The contribution by the PCC is towards the license fee.

Surrey County Council – DHR Central Support

To provide funding Surrey County Council £10,100 to provide support for the Domestic Homicide Review Central Support function. This central support helps reduce the pressure on Surrey’s 11 District and Borough Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) to establish a DHR, review the initial notification, commission and fund the Chair/report writer, and ensure that the recommendations are implemented effectively.

Applications for Community Safety Fund Small Grant Awards up to £5000

Surrey Neighbourhood Watch Association

To award Surrey Neighbourhood Watch Association £1,500 towards their operational budget in order for SNWA to provide leadership and coordination for Neighbourhood Watch in Surrey and provide support to Surrey Police in achieving their goals.

Applications for the Children and Young People’s Fund

Core Service Awards

GASP – Motor Project

To award the GASP project £25,000 to run their Motor Project. GASP supports some of the hardest to reach young people in the community by re-engaging with them through learning. They provide accredited hands-on courses in basic motor mechanics and engineering, targeting disaffected, vulnerable, and potentially at-risk young people.

Surrey Fire and Rescue – Safe Drive Stay Alive

To award Surrey Fire and Rescue £35,000 towards the costs of the Safe Drive Stay Alive programme. Safe Drive Stay Alive brings young people together to watch a series of educational performances which aim to make young people aware of their responsibilities as drivers and passengers and to positively influence their attitudes with the overarching aim of improving road safety. The funding provided contributes towards the weeklong programme, particularly for transportation costs.

Matrix Trust – Youth Hideaway

To award the Matrix Trust £20,000 towards the running and staffing of The Youth Hideaway. The Youth Hideaway provides a safe space for young people, where they can meet with their peers, have fun and access robust mental health support. It is the only daily provision of its kind in central Guildford. By engaging young people in fun, meaningful activity they are encouraged away from anti-social behaviour which often presents a risk to the young person as well as to others. Furthermore, the early intervention wellbeing support offered helps prevent young people’s mental health from further decline and from them becoming a risk to themselves.  The Youth Hideaway also offers targeted workshops in partnership with schools and other organisations. Examples of these workshops include more recreational skills such as photography and baking, as well as skills that benefit wider society such as sign language and more hard-hitting topics such as sexual health and managing finances. The grant is a three-year grant of £20,000 per annum.

Catch22 – Music To My Ears

To award Catch22 £100,000 to run Music to My Ears. This service offers a combination of creative workshops and tailored one-to-one support from a named advisor to help individuals to address the root causes of their vulnerability. Focussing on early intervention that recognises the family, health and social factors that can lead to exploitation, this project will increase the number of young people supported away from criminal exploitation.

Applications for Children and Young People’s Fund Standard Grant Awards over £5000

Chelsea FC Foundation – PL Kicks

To award Chelsea FC Foundation £20,000 for the PL Kicks programme. The programme supports young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to access diversionary activities away from anti-social behaviour and criminal activity. The programme will engage young people aged 8-18 of all abilities, demographics and backgrounds through an evening delivery model at estate and community venues that are accessible for young people and promoted by local community partners. Sessions include a mixture of open access, disability inclusive and female only football/physical activity, as well as multi-sport provisions, tournaments, social action, and workshop activities.


The Commissioner supports the core service applications and grant applications to the Community Safety Fund and the Children and Young People’s Fund and awards to the following;

  • £8,000 to Crimestoppers towards the Regional Manager
  • £60,000 to Surrey Police Victim and Witness Care Unit for Op Signature
  • £20,511 to the Women’s Support Centre for Counselling Services
  • £120,000 to Mediation surrey for their core services
  • £40,000 to Surrey Police for E-Cins
  • £10,100 to Surrey County Council for Domestic Homicide Review Central Support
  • £1,500 to Surrey Neighbourhood Watch Association for core costs
  • £25,000 to GASP for their core costs
  • £35,000 to Surrey Fire and Rescue for Safe Drive Stay Alive
  • £20,000 to The Matrix Trust for the Youth Hideaway
  • £100,000 to Catch22 for Music To My Ears
  • £20,000 to Chelsea FC Foundation for PL Kicks

Police and Crime Commissioner Approval

I approve the recommendation(s):

Signature: Lisa Townsend, Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey (wet signed copy held at PCC Office)

Date: 25 May 2023

All decisions must be added to the decision register.