The Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey David Munro has welcomed today’s government announcement that increased funding will be available to support front-line policing.
One of the PCC’s key roles is to agree the overall budget for Surrey Police including each year setting the level of council tax for policing in the county known as the precept.
Policing Minister Nick Hurd today said the Home Office were lifting the current precept cap giving PCCs across the country the flexibility to increase the policing element of a Band D Council Tax bill by up to £2 a month – the equivalent of around 10% across all bands. In Surrey, every 1% rise in the police precept equates to around £1m.
It was announced that in addition, the government will increase the general core grant and provide extra funding to help forces cover the cost arising from changes to the government police pension scheme.
PCC David Munro said: “Our police service has been operating in a very difficult financial climate with resources stretched to the limit so this announcement is particularly welcomed at this time.
“Alongside my PCC colleagues across the country, we have been pressing central government for additional funding so I am particularly pleased to see an increase in the police grant which will help forces meet the cost of the government pension changes.

“I now have a very important decision to make in terms of what I propose for next year’s precept in Surrey. Whilst I must ensure we provide an effective police service that keeps our communities safe, I must also balance that with being fair to the tax-payers of this county.
“I do not take that responsibility lightly and I can assure residents that I will be considering my options very carefully indeed.
“Once I have made a decision on my proposal, I will be consulting with the public in the next few weeks and I urge everyone to take part in our survey once it is launched and give us their views.”