Decision Log – 008/2021 OPCC underspend – funding for commissioned services

Report Title: OPCC underspend – funding for commissioned services

Decision number: 008/2021

Author and Job Role: Craig JonesPolicy & Commissioning Lead for Criminal Justice

Protective Marking: OFFICIAL

Executive Summary: The PCC has made available additional funds from the OPCC underspend to support existing commissioned services. In addition the OPCC has been awarded the sum of £22,700 by Surrey County Council (Adult Social Care) to support the Cuckooing Service


The following organisation has applied for funding;

Catalyst – Cuckoo Project

To award £53,993 (£31,293 underspend and £22,700 from SCC) for the Cuckooing outreach service that covers all of Surrey and provides short to medium-term targeted interventions to help people build resilience after being cuckooed. Early intervention and an appropriate response can help prevent risk of property closures and reduce safeguarding risks. This can also involve support with substance misuse through brief interventions and referral on for substance misuse treatment.

The aims of the Specialist Assertive Outreach Service are to;

  • Support people to live safe and healthy lives
  • Increase community safety
  • Increase disruptions to county lines through supporting vulnerable clients to escape
  • Reduce financial impact on police and community

The cuckooing service will operate 3 days a week – Monday, Wednesday and Thursday on current funding provision.


That the Police & Crime Commissioner awards the sum agreed to the above mentioned organisation totalling £53,993

Police and Crime Commissioner Approval

I approve the recommendation(s):

Signature: David Munro (wet signature available on hard copy)

Date: 22/02/2021