Surrey PCC’s Response to HMICFRS Report: Both sides of the coin: An inspection of how the police and National Crime Agency consider vulnerable people who are both victims and offenders in ‘county lines’ drug offending

I welcome the HMICFRS’s focus on Countylines and the recommendations that emphasise a need to improve our response to vulnerable people especially children. I am pleased the inspection highlights that joint working is improving but agree more could be done both locally and nationally to protect our most at risk people and communities from the threat of Countylines.

I agree that the intelligence picture around Countylines and understanding what drives the demand and vulnerabilities is improving but needs work. Locally Surrey has worked closely with its partners on a public health approach to serious violence and has developed early help schemes to support individuals and families in need. I am keen to see a more joined up approach across the region and will ask my Chief Constable what activity is taking place to prioritise cross-border activity and support around intensification weeks.