Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey – Decision Making Record
Report Title: Safer Streets Project – Stanwell Community Investment
Decision number: 049_2020
Author and Job Role: Johanna Burne – Head of Performance and Governance
Protective Marking: OFFICIAL
Executive Summary: In conjunction with the Home Office Safer Streets Project Fund, the PCC has devoted £30,000 to prevent and deter acquisitive crime (including burglary and theft) and to provide a feeling of safety within the communities of Stanwell, Spelthorne.
The PCC’s office successfully bid for £547,000 of funding from the Home Office Safer Streets Fund earlier in the year to invest in proven situational interventions to prevent acquisitive crime and make residents feel safer in parts of North Stanwell, Spelthorne – one of the worst affected areas of these types of crimes in Surrey.
As part of this investment the PCC made a further commitment to devote £30,000, a sum matched by Spelthorne Borough Council to invest in the wider community of Stanwell and its hub the Community Centre. The funds are to make improvements and support community resilience in better preventing and deterring crime from happening on their doorstep.
The first stage of this investment is to go towards SelectaDNA property marking kits for residents. These kits forensically mark various types of property to reduce theft and burglaries, and assist in the recovery of stolen property. When used in an Operation in Greater Manchester Police, SelectaDNA forensic property marking was hugely successful in helping cut burglary by 83%. A similar Operation in Cheshire Police saw the lowest burglary rate in 25 years after the implementation of SelectaDNA. Stanwell and Stanwell Moor have historically suffered high domestic and residential burglary rates with a continuing trend this year. These kits will be used for distribution in two main areas; firstly, in the surrounding areas of the main Safer Streets Project (Dutch Barn Close and the Northlands Estate) and in areas of Stanwell Moor in an attempt to combat historical problems of residential burglaries.
SelectaDNA: Sum Requested: £13,032.00 (inc. VAT)
The above cost has been quoted for the below items from SelectaDNA;
- SelectaDNA Forensic Marking Home Kits (x1000)
- Customised foamex warning signs 400x300mm (x36)
- Information flyers (x1000)
- Forensic Marking ID charts for custody (x6)
- Warning posters (x10)
- Training day for deployment teams (x1)
- Delivery charge (x1)
That the Police & Crime Commissioner awards the sum requested to pay for SelectaDNA Forensic Marking Kits and marketing tools £6,516. The other half of the money will be matched by Spelthorne Borough Council.
Police and Crime Commissioner Approval
I approve the recommendation(s):
Signature: David Munro (wet signature on hard copy)
Date: 26/10/2020
All decisions must be added to the decision register.