Decision Log – 013/2020 Community Safety Fund Applications – February 2021

Community Safety Fund Applications – February 2021

Decision number: 013/2021

Author and Job Role: Sarah Haywood, Commissioning and Policy Lead for Community Safety

Protective Marking: Official

Executive Summary:

For 2020/21 the Police and Crime Commissioner has made available £533,333.50 of funding to ensure continued support to local community, voluntary and faith organisations.

Applications for Core Service Awards over £5000

Surrey Police – Op Blink

To award Surrey Police £13,468.80 to support Operation Blink which is a proactive campaign to reduce the number of catalytic converter thefts in Surrey using marking kits and signage for at risk car parks and areas.

Applications for Small Grant Awards up to £5000 – Community Safety Fund

Woking Street Angels – Gazebo

To award Woking Street Angels £1,000 to support them in acquiring a medium sized robust gazebo, with Woking Street Angels branding on it, suitable for use at various local fundraising, recruitment and publicity events.

Surrey Police – Op Watchtower

To award Surrey Police £2,500 to support Op Watchtower. Op Watchtower looks to trial proactive tactic in Byfleet to reduce the number of burglaries. This operation is part of a wider operation called Operation Spearhead which is the force-wide coordinated response to burglaries being a force priority in Surrey.

Surrey Police – Epsom Burglary Campaign

To award Surrey Police £2,540 so Epsom SNT can running a problem solving occurrence in order to reduce the number of burglary offences in the borough. The funding will be used to rent horses from a local equestrian centre to undertake proactive patrols.

Surrey Police – Op Bluebottle

To award Surrey Police £479 to Runnymede SNT for additional support to the Op Bluebottle campaign which looks to reduce burglaries in the Chertsey area. The team have already had funding but this additional application is for warning stickers for sheds and garages to support the work to give out marking kits.

Surrey Police – Infinite Game

To award Surrey Police £4008 to Reigate and Banstead SNT for Selecta DNA kits and other prevention measures to focus a campaign in the Banstead and Nork area.

Mediation Surrey CIO – Intergenerational Work

To award £4750 to Mediation Surrey CIO to develop and increase referrals to the Intergenerational Mediation Service with supports families in Surrey through conflict. The aim will be to work closer with Surrey Police, particularly the Early Help Project in Woking.

Surrey Police – Woking Canal Watch

To award Surrey Police £1000 to support the establishment of a neighbourhood Canal Watch in Woking following an increase in indecent incidents in the area.


The Commissioner supports the core service applications and small grants applications to the Community Safety Fund and awards to the following;

  • £13,468.80 to Surrey Police for Op Blink
  • £1,000 to Woking Street Angels for a new gazebo
  • £2,500 to Surrey Police for the burglary prevention work in Byfleet (Op Watchtower)
  • £2,540 to Surrey Police for the burglary prevention work in Epsom
  • £479 to Surrey Police for the burglary prevention work in Chertsey
  • £4008 to Surrey Police for burglary prevention work in Banstead and Nork
  • £4,750 to Meditation Surrey CIO for their Intergenerational Service
  • £1000 to Surrey Police for the Woking Canal Watch scheme

Police and Crime Commissioner Approval

I approve the recommendations:

Signature: David Munro (wet signature available on hard copy)

Date: 08/03/2021

All decisions must be added to the decision register.