Author and Job Role: Lucy Thomas, Commissioning & Policy Lead for Victim Services
Protective Marking: OFFICIAL
Executive Summary:
As part of the agreement with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Victim and Witness Care Unit are required to provide accurate and timely performance data. Current systems do not meet the requirements; therefore the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Surrey Police will jointly fund a case management system.
Following engagement with other forces and victim care units, the ECINS Phoenix CMS module has been identified as a good solution. ECINS is a cloud platform that is already in use within the force and has already gone through assessment and assurances prior to bringing into service and would meet the needs of the Victim and Witness Care Unit.
The payment of £17,284.80 to be awarded to Surrey Police to invest in a case management system for the Victim and Witness Care Unit.
Police and Crime Commissioner Approval
I approve the recommendation(s):
Signature: Lisa Townsend, Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey (wet signed copy held at Commissioner’s Office
Date: 9th November 2022
All decisions must be added to the decision register.
Areas of consideration:
Financial implications
No implications
No Legal implications
No Risks
Equality and diversity
No implications
Risks to human rights
No Risks