28/2023 – Community Safety Fund and Children and Young People’s Fund Applications: November 2023

Author and Job Role: Molly Slominski, Partnerships and Community Safety Officer 

Protective Marking:  Official 

For 2023/24 the Police and Crime Commissioner has made available £383,000 for the Community Safety Fund to ensure continued support to local community, voluntary and faith organisations. The Police and Crime Commissioner also made available £275,000 for the Children and Young People’s Fund which is a dedicated resource to support activities and groups who work with children and young people across Surrey to stay safe.

Guildford Town Centre Chaplaincy – Street Angels

To award Guildford Town Centre Chaplaincy £5,000 to contribute towards the ongoing costs of employing one part-time coordinator for the Guildford Street Angels. The Guildford Street Angels offer a calming presence late at night on weekends in Guildford Town Centre. The team of trained volunteers work alongside the Police and other agencies to provide practical support and a listening ear to anyone they encounter.

Runnymede Borough Council – Fly-Tipping Forum

To award Runnymede Borough Council £4,800 to support a mobile CCTV unit to be deployed as needed in the borough by the Fly-Tipping Forum. The Fly-Tipping Forum is a multi-agency problem solving group created to address environmental anti-social behaviour which is a priority of the Runnymede Community Safety Partnership.

Runnymede Borough Council – Self Defence Classes

To award Runnymede Borough Council £1,500 to cover seven sessions of self defence classes aimed at women and girls aged 11 and older. The council successfully provided self defence classes in the general community and in education settings for women and girls and want to expand the offer.

Runnymede Neighbourhood Watch

To award Runnymede Neighbourhood Watch £400 to cover expenses for residents’ meetings in the borough.

Chelsea FC Foundation – PL Kicks

To award Chelsea FC Foundation £20,000 for the PL Kicks programme. The PL Kicks programme supports young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to access diversionary activities away from anti-social behaviour and criminal activity. The programme engages with young people aged 8-18 of all abilities, demographics and background through an evening delivery model at estate and community venues that are accessible for young people and promoted by local community partners. Sessions include a mixture of open access, disability-inclusive and female-only football/physical activities as well as multi-sport provisions, tournaments, social action and workshop activities.

The Commissioner supports the applications to the Community Safety Fund and the Children and Young People’s Fund and awards to the following; 

  • £5,000 to Guildford Town Centre Chaplaincy for ongoing costs of employing one part-time coordinator for the Guildford Street Angels.
  • £4,800 to Runnymede Borough Council to support the Fly-Tipping Forum.
  • £1,500 to Runnymede Borough Council for seven sessions of self-defence classes aimed at women and girls.
  • £400 to Runnymede Neighbourhood Watch to cover expenses for residents’ meetings.
  • £20,000 to Chelsea FC Foundation for the PL Kicks programme.

I approve the recommendation(s): 

Signature:  Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend (wet signed copy held at PCCs office)

Date: 08 November 2023

All decisions must be added to the decision register. 


Consultation has taken place with appropriate lead officers depending on the application. All applications have been asked to supply evidence of any consultation and community engagement. 

Financial implications 

All applications have been asked to confirm the organisation hold accurate financial information. They are also asked to include the total costs of the project with breakdown where the money will be spent; any additional funding secured or applied for and plans for on-going funding. The Community Safety Fund Decision Panel/ Community Safety and Victims policy officers considers the financial risks and opportunities when looking at each application. 


Legal advice is taken on an application by application basis. 


The Community Safety Fund Decision Panel and policy officers considers any risks in the allocation of funding. It is also part of the process to consider when refusing an application the service delivery risks if appropriate.  

Equality and diversity 

Each application will be requested to supply appropriate equality and diversity information as part of the monitoring requirements. All applicants are expected to adhere to the Equality Act 2010  

Risks to human rights 

Each application will be requested to supply appropriate human rights information as part of the monitoring requirements. All applicants are expected to adhere to the Human Rights Act.