Decision number: 31/2024
Author and Job Role: Lauren Mcalister, Partnership and Community Safety Lead
Protective Marking: OFFICIAL
Executive summary:
For 2024/25 the Police and Crime Commissioner has made available £383,000 for the Community Safety Fund to ensure continued support to local community, voluntary and faith organisations.
Applications for the Community Safety Fund:
Surrey Police – Clear Hold Build
Clear, Hold, Build is a police operational framework to address crime threats to a community. Surrey Police have identified Redhill as a suitable area, both for its need and also the strength of its partnership.
An initial clear phase was completed in early 2024 and a second phase will commence at the later stage of 2024.
There isn’t a fixed timeline, the work progresses in line with the needs of the local area.
The phases often happen in parallel rather than the work being a linear progression between separate phases.
The elements of each phase are:
- Clear – Police Led Enforcement. Targeting key crime types prevalent in an area and any key individuals or groups.
- Hold – Interventions, counter-measures and contingency plans to stabilise clear phase.
- Build – Delivering community empowered interventions.
The PCC supports the recommended allocation of the Community Safety Fund and awards the following;
- £38,000 to Surrey Police to support the operational delivery of Clear, Hold Build with the Redhill partners.
Police and Crime Commissioner approval:
I approve the recommendation(s):
Signature: PCC Lisa Townsend
Date: 7/11/2024
All decisions must be added to the decision register.