19/2024-25 – Award of contract for HQ redevelopment

Report Title:                                     Award of contract for HQ redevelopment         

Decision number:                            19/202425

Author and Job Role:                       Kelvin Menon – CFO Surrey OPCC

(This report was published by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner on January 6 2025, and has been backdated.)

A tendering exercise using the PAGABO framework was undertaken to appoint a contractor to deliver a design and build contract for the delivery of the Surrey HQ redevelopment. The contract will be in place until the December 19 2029 – the estimated completion date of the project.

Following the approval of the Main Contract Report at the Surrey Estates Board in December 2023, a series of engagements with the suppliers on the Pagabo framework were undertaken, including bidders’ day and seeking expressions of interest. 

The tender was issued on the April 12 for a period of 8 weeks and four bidders responded. Site visits were undertaken, and bidders had the opportunity to ask for clarifications up to the tender submission date.

Evaluation Stage

The evaluation was split into three assessments:

  • Interviews
  • Technical evaluation of the written tenders
  • Pricing evaluation of the written tenders

The process was supervised by the Force Procurement Team as well as a representative from the PAGABO framework to ensure it was fair and equitable in and in compliance with the framework.


This stage saw each bidder given an hour to present to an evaluation panel on the following areas:

  • The project team.
  • Programme delivery
  • Logistics
  • Stakeholder management
  • Added value

The presentation was evaluated and scored by an evaluation panel.

Technical evaluation of the written tenders

As part of the bid tenderers had to answer a number of questions to demonstrate their approach and ability to deliver the project.

Each question had a percentage weighting and was assessed by the evaluation team. This was initially done on a single basis and then scores moderated collectively.

Pricing evaluation of the written tenders

This was a single stage evaluation of the pricing by the PCC’s quality surveyors.

A large number of clarification questions were to the contractors to ensure that the evaluation team had sufficient detail to enable them to undertake the pricing evaluation.  

Evaluation results

On the basis of the work done and the scoring undertaken the clear winner was Wates Limited.

Hence it is proposed that a contract be offered to them to undertake the redevelopment of Force HQ at Mount Browne.

It is recommended that the Wates Construction Limited, as the highest ranked bidder, becomes the preferred bidder and that work be undertaken to agree a contract with them.

During the preferred bidder stage, the actual terms of the contract will be negotiated with a view to having it in place by August 2024.

It is recommended that the PCC awards the contract for the redevelopment of Force HQ at Mount Browne to Wates Limited subject to proper due diligence and legal advice.

I approve the recommendation(s):

Signature: Lisa Townsend PCC

Date: July 10 2024

All decisions must be added to the decision register.


Not applicable

Financial implications

The cost of the contract is in line with that anticipated in the financial model for the redevelopment.


The tender was conducted using the PAGABO framework. Contracts terms will now be negotiated between the parties prior to award.


If the bid is not awarded at this time, then there is a risk of delay to the project and challenge by the bidders.

Equality and diversity

Social value, including equality and diversity, were considered as part of the evaluation criteria.

Risks to human rights

Not applicable