ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR, dog attacks and the latest crime trends will be among topics discussed when Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend holds her latest live performance meeting with the Chief Constable next week.
A live stream of the Performance and Accountability Meeting where Lisa will put questions to Tim De Meyer on behalf of the public will be broadcast between 10:00-11:30am on Wednesday 25 October.
You can watch the meeting here.
If you have a question you want to ask about policing – you can join the meeting live or send us your questions in advance using our contact page.
Other subjects on Wednesday’s agenda include the implications of the Public Order Act 2023 that is in final stages in parliament and an update on how the Force’s Problem Solving Team are tackling issues in our communities.

The regular meeting forms a key part of the Commissioner’s role to scrutinise the service that Surrey Police provides to residents, including a review of performance measures that are publicly available for residents to view using our office’s Data Hub.
It will focus on how the Force is delivering against the priorities in the Police and Crime Plan, that includes protecting people from harm, preventing violence against women and girls, ensuring safer Surrey roads and strengthening the relationships between Surrey Police and residents.
The meeting comes as Tim marks his first six months as Surrey’s new Chief Constable and he will talk about the progress made in other key areas since he was started in April.
Commissioner Lisa Townsend said: “Holding the Chief Constable to account for the performance of Surrey Police is at the heart of my role as Commissioner. These public meetings are an important way for me to directly represent the voice of residents and I encourage Surrey residents to join this meeting to have their say on the service they receive.”
Viewers will not need a Facebook account to watch the meeting but will need to login to ask questions.
A recording will be made available to view for anyone who can’t tune in on the night and promoted on our Facebook and YouTube channels.
Join us in person
Residents can also find out more about policing where they live, by attending one of the ‘Policing your Community’ events being hosted by our Office and Surrey Police from 24 October – 29 January.
The meetings offer a chance to speak directly to the Commissioner, Chief Constable and Borough Commander responsible for policing where you live and will take place in each of Surrey’s boroughs and districts and online.
See the details of your event here.