Masurarea performantei

Reamenajarea sediului poliției din Surrey

The project to redevelopment Surrey Police’s HQ in Guildford is entering the crucial planning stage.

The Mount Browne site has been the home of Surrey Police for over 70 years and has a proud history as part of the local community.

But parts of the estate are ageing; are not best designed to meet the needs of policing our communities in the 21st Century; and could be far more sustainable and efficient, both financially and environmentally.

The Force previously purchased land in Leatherhead, in 2018, to develop a new, purpose-built headquarters from the ground up. However, following a review of the programme in November 2021, the Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend and the Surrey Police Chief Officer team took the decision to retain Mount Browne.

Since that decision, work has been taking place in the background to draw up a masterplan for the estate to ensure that Mount Browne and the wider estate is fit for the future over the long-term.

Surrey Police is currently consulting with local residents and partners and hoping to put forward a planning application this Autumn. You can learn more about the plans by following the link below:

The Police and Crime Commissioner said: “We are entering a really exciting stage of our plans for Mount Browne and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to deliver a new headquarters that we can all be proud of.

“We want to ensure we involve our officers and staff, our partners and of course the Surrey public in our plans and this consultation process will give them the opportunity to see the proposals for the site and to share their views with us.

“My office will continue to work closely with the Force’s project team as we enter the planning stage to make sure we continue to provide the best value for money for our residents and deliver an even better policing service for them in the future.”

Vizitaţi nostru Surrey Police finances page to learn more about the Force’s Budget, Medium Term Financial Plan (three years) or to see the published accounts.

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