Isinqumo sama-69/2022 - 2022/23 Ukudluliselwa Kwezindawo Ezigciniwe Zokuphela konyaka

Umbhali Neqhaza Lomsebenzi: Kelvin Menon – Isikhulu Esiyinhloko Sezezimali

Ukumaka okuvikelayo: NGEMPELA

Isifinyezo esiphezulu:

Under statute all reserves are owned and under the control of the PCC. Transfers to or from reserves can only be made with the approval of the PCC by way of a formal decision. It is predicted that there will be an underspend against budget for 2022/23 and so it is requested that this be transferred to reserves to provide resources to meet future risks and fund new initiatives.


2022/23 has been a particularly challenging year given increasing inflation and costs. However, this has been offset by a number of things as follows:

  1. A majority of new officers were recruited later in the year, thereby deferring costs, whereas in the budget it was assumed it would happen evenly across the year.
  2. The tight labour market has meant that the Force has had difficulty recruiting police staff at the rates of pay it can afford. This has meant that there are a large number of posts which have been funded but not filled.
  3. The Force had more income than was budgeted for from national events such as COP and Operation London Bridge

This has meant that at the end of the year it is predicted that there will be an underspend of at least £7.9m. Whilst this is a significant sum in fact it represents only 2.8% of the overall budget. This underspend gives the opportunity to set funds aside to address one off pressures and risks that could arise in 2023/24.

Dlulisela Ezigciniwe

As a result of the overall budget being underspent PCC is asked to approve the following transfers to reserves:

IndawoReason for TransferInani le £ m
Cost of ChangeTo support the transformation program to deliver future savings and efficiencies2.0
CC OperationalTo provide resources for reopened historical investigations0.5
I-OPCC Operational ReserveTo provide funds for one off OPCC commissioning initiatives which may arise in 2023/240.3
Delegated budget Holder reserveTo provide funds for other potential pressures and risks such as legal fees, maintenance, pay, uplift clawback, vetting etc5.1
Covid19 ReserveTo close reserve as risk has declined(1.7)
Net zero reserveTo provide funds to support Force Commitment to achieve net zero1.7

Once the transfers are approved total reserves will be £29.4m (subject to audit):

Izindawo zokuhlalaIsiphakamiso
 Proposal 2022/23
3% NBR 
Earmarked Reserves 
I-OPCC Operational Reserve1.5
PCC Estate Strategy Reserve2.0
PCC Cost of Change Reserve5.2
Chief Constable Operational Reserve1.6
COVID 19 Reserve0.0
Indawo Yomshwalense1.9
Police Pension Reserve0.7
Net Zero Reserve1.7
Delegated Budget Holder Reserve5.1
Capital Reserve – Rev Contributions0.5
Total Earmarked Reserves20.1
Total Reserves29.4


It is recommended that the Police and Crime Commissioner approves the transfers to reserves as set out above.

Ukugunyazwa Kwamaphoyisa Nobugebengu

Ngiyazivumela izincomo:

Isignesha: Lisa Townsend, Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey (ikhophi emanzi esayiniwe egcinwe eHhovisi le-PCC)

Usuku: 04 April 2023

Zonke izinqumo kufanele zengezwe kurejista yezinqumo.

Izindawo zokucatshangelwa:


Asikho isidingo sokubonisana ngalolu daba

Imiphumela yezezimali

Lokhu kunjengoba kubekiwe embikweni


I-PCC kufanele igunyaze konke ukudluliselwa ezindaweni ezibekiwe


Njengomphumela Wocwaningomabhuku Lwangaphandle izibalo zingashintsha. Uma kunjalo kungase kudingeke ukuthi isinqumo sichitshiyelwe ukuze kubhekwane nanoma yiluphi ushintsho.

Ukulingana nokuhlukahluka

Akukho miphumela evela kulesi sinqumo

Izingozi zamalungelo abantu

Akukho miphumela evela kulesi sinqumo