
Intela yoMkhandlu

Kungumsebenzi kaPhoyisa noKhomishana woBugebengu ukubeka izinga lentela yomkhandlu oyikhokhayo maqondana namaphoyisa, eyaziwa ngokuthi umthetho.

The Commissioner’s council tax consultation was launched in December after the Government gave Police and Crime Commissioners the flexibility to increase the policing part of council tax for 2024/25 by £13 a year based on an average Band D property – £1.08 a month.

At a meeting of Surrey’s Police and Crime Panel on 02 February, the Commissioner presented her proposal on the amount that Surrey residents will pay towards policing from their council tax, that funds the Force together with a central grant from Government.

The policing element of an average Band D Council Tax bill will now be set at £323.57, an increase of £13 a year or £1.08 a month. It equates to around a 4.2% increase across all council tax bands and will take effect from April 2024.

Annual council tax amounts for 2024/25 based on a £13 increase for an average Band D property (£1.08 a month):

 Ibhendi AIbhendi BIqembu CIqembu D
Increase from 2022/23£8.67£10.11£11.56£13.00
 Ibhendi EIqembu FIqembu GIqembu H
Increase from 2022/23£15.8918.78£21.67£26.00

You can learn more by reading our Council tax FAQ or by viewing this year’s Council tax leaflet below:

Front cover of Council tax leaflet 2024 2025 with image of smart female police officer in full uniform at night

Ipheshana lentela lomkhandlu 2024/25

Izinga lentela yomkhandlu waseSurrey elikhokhayo maqondana namaphoyisa lisuselwe kumnikelo ka-£323.57 wendawo ye-Band D.

For the financial year from April 2023 to the end of March 2024, the council tax contribution for policing has been set at £310.57, which is an increase of £15 a year based on a Band D property. This is equivalent to a 5.07% rise across all council tax bands.

This amount is just part of the total council tax you will pay, that also funds services provided by Surrey County Council, your District Council, Town and Parish Councils (if applicable) and well as the Police and social care levy.

Band D is provided as a measure because it is the benchmark used by central Government when it publicises the amount that it will contribute centrally to police forces.

The leaflet below provides some more information about how your council tax contribution is used in Surrey, in combination with the grant that is received from the Government:

Ipheshana lentela lomkhandlu 2023/24

Izinga lentela yomkhandlu waseSurrey elikhokhayo maqondana namaphoyisa lisuselwe kumnikelo ka-£310.57 wendawo ye-Band D.

Funda kabanzi

Bona wonke amapheshana entela omkhandlu adlule kwethi ikhasi lokushicilelwe