决策日志 051/2021 – 社区安全基金申请 2021 年 3 月 (XNUMX)

决定编号: 51/2021

作者和工作角色: Sarah Haywood,社区安全委托和政策负责人

保护标记: 官方


2020/21 年,警察和犯罪专员提供了 538,000 英镑的资金,以确保继续支持当地社区、志愿组织和信仰组织。

超过 5,000 英镑的标准拨款申请 - 社区安全基金

Surrey County Council – Domestic Homicide Reviews (central provision)

To provide £10,100 to Surrey County Council to support the establishment of the domestic Homicide Review Central Support function. With reduced resources and increased complexity of DHRs there is an emerging need to provide centralised, Surrey-wide support for Community Safety Partnerships to assist them to fulfil their statutory duty to undertake DHRs and meet these pressures. It should be made clear that centralisation does not mean taking overall responsibility for DHRs away from individual CSPs, but should instead make the process clear, consistent, fair, and funded. This central support will help reduce the pressure on Surrey’s 11 District and Borough Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) to establish a DHR, reviewing the initial notification, commissioning and funding of the right Chair/report writer, and ensuring that the recommendations are implemented effectively. The aims of the project is to –

  • To embed a victim centred process where input from family and friends provides an authentic history that all professionals can learn from, leading to better outcomes for victims’ families
  • To provide strategic leadership and coordination of all work relating to Domestic Homicide Reviews and professional support to Surrey’s Community Safety Partnerships
  • To ensure lessons learned are shared, understood and lead to tangible improvements in agency responses to domestic abuse


Funding for the project is met by all statutory partners in Surrey.



  • £10,100 to Surrey County Council for the DHR Central Project




签名: 萨里警察和犯罪专员 Lisa Townsend

日期: 20. 2021




已根据申请与适当的领导官员进行磋商。 所有申请都被要求提供任何咨询和社区参与的证据。


已要求所有申请确认该组织持有准确的财务信息。 他们还被要求包括项目的总成本,以及资金将花在哪里的细目; 获得或申请的任何额外资金以及持续资金的计划。 社区安全基金决策小组/社区安全和受害者政策官员在审查每份申请时都会考虑财务风险和机遇。




社区安全基金决策小组和政策官员会考虑资金分配中的任何风险。 这也是拒绝申请时考虑服务交付风险(如果适用)的过程的一部分。


作为监控要求的一部分,将要求每个应用程序提供适当的平等和多样性信息。 所有申请人都应遵守 2010 年平等法案


作为监控要求的一部分,将要求每个应用程序提供适当的人权信息。 所有申请人都应遵守《人权法》。