О вашем комесару

Улога и одговорности комесара

Лиса Товнсенд је ваш комесар за полицију и криминал у Сарију.

Commissioners were introduced in 2012 across England and Wales. Lisa was elected in 2021 to represent your views on police and crime in our county.

As your Commissioner, Lisa is responsible for the strategic oversight of Surrey Police, holding the Chief Constable to account on your behalf and commissioning key services that strengthen community safety and support victims.

One of the key tasks of your Commissioner is to set the План полиције и криминала that outlines the priorities for Surrey Police.

Lisa is also responsible for overseeing key decisions including setting the budget for Surrey Police and managing the Surrey Police estate.

She is the national Association of Police and Crime Commissioner’s lead for mental health and custody, and chair of the National Police Air Service strategic board.

Пет приоритета у плану за полицију и криминал за Сурреи (2021-25) су:
  • Спречавање насиља над женама и девојчицама
  • Штити људе од зла у Сарију
  • Радити са заједницама тако да се осећају безбедно
  • Јачање односа између полиције Сарија и становника Сарија
  • Обезбеђивање сигурнијих путева у Сурреију
cod of conduct arrows icon

Кодекс понашања

View the Commissioner’s Заклетва.

The Commissioner has signed up to a Кодекс понашања, i Committee on Standards in Public Life ‘Ethical Checklist’.

Salary and Expenses

The salaries of Police and Crime Commissioners are decided on a national basis and vary depending on the size of the force area they represent. The Commissioner in Surrey receives a salary of £73,300 pa.

You can see the Commissioner’s открити интересе расходи за 2023/24 овде.

Реад Шема накнада за повереника to learn more about the Commissioner’s expenses that may be claimed from our budget, or see the Gifts and Hospitality Register for other items that the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer are required to declare.

You can also view the expenses and disclosable interests of the Заменик комесара. The Deputy Commissioner has also signed the Code of Conduct and receives a salary of £54, 975 pa.

Commissioner's roles and responsibilities
Commissioner's roles and responsibilities