Nous contacter

Politique de plaintes


Under the Police Act 1996 and the Police Reform & Social Responsibility Act 2011, the Office for the Police and Crime Commissioner’s for Surrey (OPCC) has a number of specific duties in relation to the handling of complaints. The OPCC has a responsibility to manage complaints it may receive against the Chief Constable of the Force, its own members of staff, contractors, and the Commissioner itself. The OPCC also has a duty to keep itself informed about complaint and discipline matters within Surrey Police Force (as set out in section 15 of the Police Reform Act 2002).

Objet de ce document

This document sets out the policy of the OPCC in relation to the above and is addressed to Members of the Public, Police Officers, Police and Crime Panel Members, the Commissioner, Staff and Contractors.


If the OPCC does not have a policy and procedure that it adheres to in relation to complaints this could have a detrimental impact on the perception that the public and partners have of the Commissioner and the Force. This would impact on the ability to deliver against the strategic priorities.

Politique de plaintes

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey will:

a) Comply with legislative or regulatory requirements and associated advice on managing and effectively handling complaints against the Force or Commissioner to ensure that all forms of complaints are dealt with properly and effectively.

b) Provide clear information and guidance regarding the policies and procedures of the OPCC for handling complaints received against the Chief Constable, the Commissioner, and members of the OPCC staff including the Chief Executive and/or Monitoring Officer and Chief Financial Officer.

c) Ensure that the lessons from such complaints are considered and assessed to inform the development of practice and procedure and the effectiveness of policing in Surrey.

d) Promote an open a responsive complaints system that supports the delivery of the National Policing Requirement.

Principes de la politique

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey in establishing this policy and associated procedures is:

a) Supporting the OPCCs goal to be an organisation that inspires trust and confidence, listens, responds and meets the needs of individuals and communities.

b) Supporting the delivery of its strategic aims and the National Policing Pledge.

c) Embracing the principles of public life and supporting the proper use of public resources.

d) Promoting equality and diversity within the Force and the OPCC to help eliminate discrimination and promote equality of opportunity.

e) Complying with the statutory requirements to oversee complaints against the police and handle complaints against the Chief Constable.

f) To work with the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) to intervene in the handling of those complaints where the OPCC believes that the response provided by the Force is unsatisfactory.

How this Policy is implemented

In order that its policy regarding complaints is adhered to, the Commissioner’s Office together with the Force, has set out a number of procedures and guidance documents for the recording, handling and oversight of complaints. These documents set out the roles and responsibilities of individuals and organisations within the complaints process:

a) Complaints Procedure (Annex A)

b) Persistent Complainants Policy (Annex B)

c) Guidance to staff on Handling Complaints (Annex C)

d) Complaints relating to the Conduct of the Chief Constable (Annex D)

e) Complaints Protocol with the Force (Annex E)

Droits de l'homme et égalité

In implementing this policy, the OPCC will ensure that its actions are in accordance with the requirements of the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Convention Rights embodied within it, in order to protect the human rights of complainants, other users of the police services and the OPCC.

Évaluation RGPD

L'OPCC ne transmettra, ne conservera ou ne conservera les informations personnelles que lorsque cela est approprié, conformément à la politique RGPD, à la déclaration de confidentialité et à la politique de conservation de l'OPCC.

Évaluation de la Loi sur la liberté d’information

This policy is suitable for access by the General Public

Dernières infos

Lisa Townsend salue l'approche policière de « retour à l'essentiel » alors qu'elle remporte un deuxième mandat en tant que commissaire à la police et à la criminalité pour Surrey

Lisa Townsend, commissaire à la police et à la criminalité

Lisa s'est engagée à continuer de soutenir l'attention renouvelée de la police de Surrey sur les questions qui comptent le plus pour les résidents.

Surveiller votre communauté – Le commissaire affirme que les équipes de police se lancent dans la lutte contre les gangs de drogue après avoir participé à la répression des limites des comtés

Lisa Townsend, commissaire à la police et au crime, observe depuis une porte d'entrée que les agents de police de Surrey exécutent un mandat dans une propriété liée à un éventuel trafic de drogue dans les limites du comté.

Cette semaine d'action envoie un message fort aux gangs des comtés : la police continuera de démanteler ses réseaux dans le Surrey.

Des mesures de répression d'un million de livres sterling contre les comportements antisociaux alors que le commissaire reçoit un financement pour des patrouilles dans les points chauds

Police et commissaire au crime marchant dans un tunnel couvert de graffitis avec deux hommes policiers de l'équipe locale de Spelthorne

La commissaire Lisa Townsend a déclaré que cet argent contribuerait à accroître la présence et la visibilité de la police dans Surrey.