Isinqumo 51/2022 - Ukwehliswa Kwezicelo Zesikhwama Esephula Kabusha NgoDisemba 2022

Umbhali Neqhaza Lomsebenzi: George Bell, Inqubomgomo Yezobulungiswa Bobugebengu kanye Nesikhulu Esigunyazayo

Ukumaka okuvikelayo:  Okusemthethweni

Isifinyezo esiphezulu:

Ngonyaka ka-2022/23 uKhomishana Wamaphoyisa Nobugebengu wenze ukuba kutholakale u-£270,000.00 woxhaso ukuze kuncishiswe ukona kabusha e-Surrey.

Applications for Standard Grant Award above £5,000 – Reducing Reoffending Fund

Forward Trust – Vision Housing – Tara Moore  

Brief overview of service/decision – To award £30,000 to Forward Trust’s Vision Housing project. Vision Housing Services provides accommodation in the private rented sector with tenancy support to vulnerable individuals, including those with a history of offending, homelessness, drug, and alcohol and/or other mental health issues.

Reason for funding – 1) To develop these services in Surrey through supporting individuals who come under the Surrey Adults Matter (SAM) cohort, who have a variety of complex needs and need support to access and sustain accommodation.  

2) To protect people from harm in Surrey and work towards reducing reoffending by providing stability for individuals with safe and secure accommodation. Additionally ensuring the holistic support needed to help service users effectively turn away from addiction and offending behaviour.  

Clean Sheet – Reducing Reoffending Through Employment – Samantha Graham

Brief overview of service/decision – To award £60,000 to Clean Sheet (£20,000 a year over three years). This is to fund a project to divert people with convictions away from reoffending by providing tailored employment support. This project has previously been supported by the Commissioner.

Reason for funding – 1) To directly reduce reoffending in Surrey through helping people with convictions to find employment and a route away from reoffending. Being a constant and consistent part in someone’s job search journey, helping them to navigate setbacks and overcome barriers, minimises the risk of someone committing further offences.

2) Help to create safer communities and protect people from harm in Surrey by reducing reoffending, resulting in fewer victims of crime, and helping people with convictions to gain financial independence, reduce social isolation and exclusion, and reintegrate into the local community.


Ukuthi uKhomishana uyazeseka lezi zicelo ezijwayelekile zesibonelelo sikahulumeni esiKhwameni Sokwehlisa Kabusha futhi aklomelise lokhu okulandelayo;

  • £30,000 to the Forward Trust
  • £60,000 (over three years) to Clean Sheet

Ukugunyazwa Kwamaphoyisa Nobugebengu

Ngiyazivumela izincomo:

Isignesha: Lisa Townsend, Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey (Wet signed copy held at PCC’s Office)

Usuku: 20 December 2022

Zonke izinqumo kufanele zengezwe kurejista yezinqumo.

Izindawo zokucatshangelwa


Ukubonisana kwenziwe nezikhulu eziholayo ezifanele kuye ngesicelo. Zonke izicelo ziceliwe ukuthi zilethe ubufakazi banoma yikuphi ukubonisana nokuxhumana nomphakathi.

Imiphumela yezezimali

Zonke izicelo ziceliwe ukuthi ziqinisekise ukuthi inhlangano iphethe ulwazi lwezezimali olunembile. Baphinde bacelwe ukuthi bafake zonke izindleko zephrojekthi kanye nokuhlukaniswa lapho imali izosetshenziswa khona; noma yiziphi izimali ezengeziwe ezitholiwe noma ezifakwe isicelo kanye nezinhlelo zokuthola uxhaso oluqhubekayo. Iphaneli Yezinqumo Zesikhwama Esephula Kabusha/Izikhulu zenqubomgomo yoBulungiswa Bobugebengu zicabangela ubungozi bezezimali namathuba lapho zibheka isicelo ngasinye.


Iseluleko sezomthetho sithathwa ngokwesisekelo sohlelo lokusebenza nesicelo.


Iphaneli Yezinqumo Zokwehliswa Kokuphinda Kona Kwesikhwama kanye nezikhulu zenqubomgomo yezoBulungiswa Bobugebengu zibheka noma yiziphi izingozi ekwabiweni kwezimali. Kuphinde kube yingxenye yenqubo okufanele icatshangelwe lapho wenqaba isicelo, ubungozi bokulethwa kwezinsiza uma kufanele.

Ukulingana nokuhlukahluka

Each application will be requested to supply appropriate equality and diversity information as part of the monitoring requirements. All applicants are expected to adhere to the Equality Act 2010.

Izingozi zamalungelo abantu

Isicelo ngasinye sizocelwa ukuthi sinikeze ulwazi olufanele lwamalungelo abantu njengengxenye yezidingo zokuqapha. Bonke abafake izicelo kulindeleke ukuthi balandele uMthetho Wamalungelo Abantu.