CANLI Kamu Performansı ve Sorumluluk Toplantısı – 25 Ekim 2023

10: 00-11: 30, Surrey Police HQ (Streamed live)
Izle toplantı kaydı .

Performance and Accountability meetings are held with the Chief Constable of Surrey Police three times a year and provide an opportunity for residents to ask their questions about policing in Surrey.

  1. Introduction from the Police and Crime Commissioner

  2. Delivery of the Police and Crime Plan: To consider the Chief Constable’s approach to delivering the Police & Crime Plan, and to assess current performance against each policing priority. Read the latest Genel Performans Raporu .

  3. Köpek saldırıları: To explore the issue in a Surrey context, specifically the powers available to the police in terms of responding to dogs that are dangerously out of control, and current and historical incident volumes. Raporu buradan oku.

  4. Public Order Act 2023: To consider the implications for policing of the Public Order Act Bill that is in its final stages in Parliament. Raporu buradan oku.

  5. Anti-social behaviour action plan: To consider the police response to ASB including any preparatory work being undertaken in Surrey in response to the Government’s ASB Action Plan.

  6. Surrey Problem Solving Team: To consider the work and recent successes of Surrey Police’s Central Problem-Solving Unit. Raporu buradan oku.

  7. Geleceği Planlamak: To consider the financial pressures facing the Force in the coming months and years and how Surrey Police are preparing.

  8.  Başka herhangi bir iş

Reports from this meeting have been provided as an open word file for accessibility. Please note that this may download automatically to your device when the link is clicked.