Decision 02/2023 – Pre-Planning Agreement for Mount Browne

Awtur u Rwol tax-Xogħol: Alison Bolton, Kap Eżekuttiv

Immarkar Protettiv: UFFIĊJALI

Sommarju Eżekuttiv

The Commissioner is asked to sign a pre-planning agreement with Guildford Borough Council, relating to the Mount Browne Police HQ in Guildford and proposed plans for its re-development.

A Pre-Planning Agreement (PPA) is an agreement between the developer (the PCC) and the Planning Authority (Guildford Borough Council).  It provides a project management framework for handling the pre-application period, prior to the submission of a planning application.  It is designed to speed up the pre-planning process by committing both parties to an agreed timetable and making clear what level of resources and actions are required to ensure all key planning issues are properly considered.  It does not give any guarantee that Guildford BC will grant planning permission for the development and relates solely to the process of considering development proposals, not the decision itself.

The agreement comes at a cost to the developer to cover costs associated with work up to submission of an application.  It has been reviewed by Surrey Police’s Programme Director, Maureen Cherry and by Vail Williams on behalf of the PCC.


To sign the Pre-Planning Agreement with Guildford Borough Council as relates to the redevelopment proposals for Mount Browne HQ.

Pulizija u Kummissarju tal-Kriminalità Approvazzjoni

Napprova r-rakkomandazzjoni(jiet):

Firma: Lisa Townsend, Kummissarju tal-Pulizija u l-Kriminalità għal Surrey (Kopja ffirmata bl-imxarrab miżmuma fl-Uffiċċju tal-PCC)

Data: 17 April 2023

Id-deċiżjonijiet kollha għandhom jiżdiedu mar-reġistru tad-deċiżjonijiet.

Oqsma ta' konsiderazzjoni


Surrey Police Programme Director; Vail Williams.

Implikazzjonijiet finanzjarji

Fees of £28k to Guildford BC for support during the pre-planning process. 


The PPA is made pursuant to Section 111 of the Local Government Act 1972, Section 2 of the Local Government Act 2000, s93 Local Government Act 2003 and s1 Localism Act 2011


Xejn jinqala'.

Ugwaljanza u diversità

No issues arising.