

Our Office is committed to the highest possible standards of honesty and accountability.

We seek to conduct our business in a responsible manner, ensuring that all our activities are carried out with integrity. We expect the same standards from Surrey Police, ensuring all officers and staff who have concerns about any aspect of the work of the Force or our Office are encouraged to come forward and voice those concerns.

This includes making sure there are policies are in place to enable people to expose wrong-doing or misconduct and support and protect those who do so.

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has adopted Surrey Police’s Anti-Fraud, Corruption and Bribery (whistleblowing) Policy

Staff can also view the internal Whistleblowing and Protected Disclosure Procedure for Surrey and Sussex available on the intranet Information Hub (please note this link will not work externally).


Whistleblowing is the reporting (through confidential channels) of any behaviour which is suspected to be illegal, improper or unethical. 

Statutory provisions relating to the disclosure of information by employees (known as whistleblowing) to expose malpractice, criminal offences, etc. within an organisation apply to police officers, police staff and the staff of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey (OPCC).

You are a whistleblower if you are a worker and you report certain types of wrongdoing. This will usually be something you’ve seen at work – though not always. The wrongdoing you disclose must be in the public interest. This means it must affect others, for example the general public. It is the responsibility of all staff of the OPCC to report any behaviour which they suspect may be corrupt, dishonest or unethical and all staff are encouraged to do so.

Individuals are protected from action by their employer (e.g. victimisation or dismissal) in respect of disclosures falling within categories set out in Section 43B of the Employment Rights Act 1996.  Individuals can be reassured of total confidentiality or anonymity if they do not wish to provide their details, however if a response is required, then contact details should be included.

These statutory provisions are reflected in the policies and guidance that apply to staff of Surrey Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner and which set out the mechanisms available for confidential reporting and actions to be taken.

This information can be accessed by Surrey Police and OPCC staff on the Surrey Police website and intranet, or advice can be sought from the Professional Standards Department.

Third party disclosures

If someone from another organisation (Third Party) would like to make a disclosure, it is suggested the follow their own organisation’s policy. This is because the Office of the Commissioner cannot offer them protection, as they are not an employee.  

We will, however, be willing to listen if for whatever reason a third party feels unable to raise a relevant issue through an external source.

You can contact the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer of our office on 01483 630200 or using our Kuntatt forma.