Sprendimas 65/2022 – Policijos ir nusikaltimų komisaro vyresniojo pareigūno darbo apmokėjimo tvarka

Autorius ir pareigos:      Alison Bolton, generalinė direktorė

Apsauginis žymėjimas:         PAREIGŪNAS


The purpose of this report is for the Commissioner to review and approve pay arrangements for the two statutory posts of Chief Executive/Monitoring Officer and Chief Finance Officer of the Office of the PCC.


Proposed arrangement

It is suggested that arrangements for the CEX and CFO are aligned to the April pay award made to graded staff following the annual pay negotiation with UNISON.  There are no arrangements required for incremental progression given that the CEX and CFO do not have a salary band.  However, the PCC will keep salaries under review each year to ensure that they retain value against meaningful comparators.

This does not represent a change for the staff concerned, but rather formalises an existing arrangement.


That the PCC agrees the annual pay award arrangements for the Chief Executive and Chief Finance Officer posts as described in section 3 above. 

Policijos ir nusikaltimų komisaro patvirtinimas

Pritariu rekomendacijai (-oms):

Parašas: PCC Lisa Townsend (kopija su šlapiu parašu, saugoma OPCC)

Data: 2nd kovo 2023

Visi sprendimai turi būti įtraukti į sprendimų registrą.

Svarstymo sritys


PCC, Chief Executive, Chief Finance Officer, Surrey Police HR.

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