I-Decision Log 018/2022 – Isivumelwano seSivumelwano sokuPhakanyiswa kweNkxaso-mali yamaPolisa 2022/23

Inombolo yesigqibo: 018/2022

Umbhali kunye nendima yomsebenzi: UKelvin Menon – uNondyebo

Ukuphawula okuKhuselayo: IGOSA

Isishwankathelo sebhunga:

The Home Office is offering Forces a ring-fenced grant tied to the deliver of Uplift recruits for 2022/23. This is worth £1.7m provided that the target of a net increase of 104 Officers is achieved. If this is not the case, then the grant reduces down to zero if numbers fall below 75%


In 2020 the Government made a pledge to recruit and additional 20,000 Police Officers over the next 3 years – 2022/23 marks the last year of this. Although the majority of the funding for the new recruits is within the core grant a proportion has been retained by Government to only be paid on successful delivery of the new officers.

In previous years there were no specific penalties for not delivery however in this the final year these have been spelt out in more detail. All of the grant is paid if 100% of officers are delivered but 10% is withheld is 95% to 99.99% is achieved with further reductions leading to no grant if 75% or less is achieved. This will be assessed, and the grant paid in June 2023 based on the number of officers as of the 31st ye Matshi 2023

The PCC discussed with the CC, and he was reasonably confident that the uplift target would be achieved although it was going to be far more difficult than in the previous years due to the tightening of the labour market.

I ngcebiso

It is RECOMMENDED that the PCC authorises the OPCC Treasurer to sign the agreement on behalf of the OPCC Surrey and return it to the Home Office.

Imvume yoMkomishinala wamaPolisa noLwaphulo-mthetho

Ndiyavumelana nezindululo:

Utyikityo: PCC Lisa Townsend (ikopi esayiniweyo emanzi ibanjelwe kwi-OPCC)

Umhla: 14 / 06 / 2022

Zonke izigqibo kufuneka zongezwe kwirejista yesigqibo.

Iindawo zokuqwalaselwa



Iziphumo zezezimali

The cost implications could be significant if Uplift is not achieved – however if the agreement is not signed then no money will be received whatever the level of achievement




Risk of non-achievement but this has been discussed with the CC who is confident the numbers can be reached.

Ukulingana kunye nokungafani

None from this grant but the Force has used Uplift as a way of increasing the diversity of its officers.

Imingcipheko kumalungelo oluntu
