
Commissioner responds as possession of Nitrous Oxide to become criminal offence

Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey Lisa Townsend has issued a statement following news that the possession of Nitrous Oxide, also known as ‘laughing gas’, will become a criminal offence.

Hoos ka akhriso qoraalka Lisa:

Ensuring our communities are not only safe but dareemaan safe is a key part of my Police and Crime Plan informed by residents in Surrey.

We know that the use of Nitrous Oxide is closely linked with anti-social behaviour and the small silver cannisters that litter our public spaces are a visible blight on our communities.

The recreational use of Nitrous Oxide can have dangerous side effects including damage to the nervous system and even death. We have also seen an increase in road accidents, including serious and fatal accidents, where the use of nitrous oxide has been a factor.

I welcome news from the Government that more will be done to limit the access to this drug as part of the wider focus on reducing anti-social behaviour in our communities.

I am pleased that this will specifically include a greater emphasis on retailers, who must do more to ensure that the sale of any potentially harmful product is carried out responsibly.

However, I remain concerned that banning Nitrous Oxide places a disproportionate emphasis on the criminal justice system including our police, who must meet increasing demands with limited resources.

Further criminalising Nitrous Oxide shifts the focus away from a partnership approach that can address community harm from multiple angles; including education, more opportunities for young people and better support for victims.

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Ilaalinta Beeshaada - Guddoomiyaha ayaa sheegay in kooxaha booliisku ay dagaalka kula jiraan kooxaha daroogada ka dib markii ay ku biireen hawlgallada degmooyinka

Taliyaha Booliska iyo Dembiyada Lisa Townsend ayaa albaabka hore ka daawanaysa iyadoo saraakiisha bilayska Surrey ay fulinayaan amar maxkamadeed guri lala xiriirinayo suurtagalnimada ka ganacsiga maandooriyaha degmada.

Toddobaadka ficilku wuxuu fariin adag u dirayaa kooxaha khadadka degmada ee in booliisku ay sii wadi doonaan burburinta shabakadahooda Surrey.

Malyuun-rodol oo rodol ah oo lagula dagaalamayo dhaqanka bulshada lidka ku ah sida uu Guddoomiyaha u helayo maalgelinta roondada meelaha kulul

Bilayska iyo Guddoomiyaha Dembiyada oo dhex maraya tunnel-ka qoraallada lagu dhejiyay oo ay la socdaan laba nin oo bilays ah oo ka tirsan kooxda maxalliga ah ee Spelthorne

Guddoomiyaha Lisa Townsend ayaa sheegtay in lacagtan ay gacan ka geysan doonto kordhinta joogitaanka booliiska iyo muuqaalka guud ahaan Surrey.

Guddoomiyuhu waxa uu bogaadiyay horumar la taaban karo oo lagu sameeyay 999 iyo 101 wakhtiyada laga jawaabayo - maadaama natiijooyinka ugu wanaagsan ee diiwaanka la helay

Booliska iyo Taliyaha Dambiyada Lisa Townsend waxay la fadhiisatay xubin ka tirsan shaqaalaha xidhiidhka bilayska Surrey

Komishaneer Lisa Townsend ayaa sheegtay in waqtiyada sugitaanka lagala xiriirinayo Booliska Surrey 101 iyo 999 ay hadda yihiin kuwa ugu hooseeya ee diiwaanka ciidanka.