Police & Crime Plan

Kupereka ndi kupereka ntchito

As Police and Crime Commissioner, in addition to core police funding, I receive funding to commission services which support victims of crime to help them cope and recover as well as funding to reduce reoffending and divert and support those at risk of offending or being exploited.

One of the key services I fund is the Surrey Police Victim and Witness Care Unit (VWCU). I am proud of the collaboration between my office and the Force to establish this dedicated team, which provides a service to all victims of crime from the point of reporting, through the criminal justice process and beyond. The unit is also able to support victims of crime who self-refer for support. I will continue to oversee its development, ensuring that victims of all crimes receive the highest
quality of care possible and that Surrey Police are compliant with the requirements of the Victims’ Code.

I also set aside some of the policing budget to provide funding for projects which improve community safety in Surrey. I am reviewing this funding programme but have set out some key principles. I will:

  • Commission a broad spectrum of specialist, good quality and easily accessible services, which prevent crime and protect people of all ages against harm
  • Listen to people’s diverse and specific needs, which underpin all the commissioning activity of my office
  • Commission specialist support to help victims of crime cope and recover
  • Invest in preventing future crimes and addressing community safety issues, such as anti-social behaviour
  • Untertake specialist work with offenders, working with them to address the root causes of their behaviour
  • Support projects within our communities and Surrey Police which help improve and promote engagement between the police and residents
  • Commission services to protect our children and young people, working alongside them to give them the tools to keep safe and make informed choices about their life

These services are a vital part of a collective effort to make Surrey a safer and better place to live. I will be working with partners to join up our efforts and co-commission services where possible to make the best use of resources and provide value for money for the Surrey public.

Funding will be accessible to organisations of all sizes. I will value the way small and locally based charities and community organisations respond to people’s needs in a way that really matters to them. It’s vital we tackle inequalities we know the pandemic has exacerbated and research evidences these organisations’ distinctiveness in who they support, how they carry out their work and the role they play in their communities.

At the time of publishing my Plan, my total commissioning budget from Government funding, successful grant bids and from my office budget is in excess of £4 million and I will ensure the highest level of transparency with regards to my office’s commissioning expenditure, allowing residents to fully understand how their money is being spent and the difference it is making.

Full details of funding levels and how it’s allocated can be found on my website.

Funding Commissioning 1

Nkhani zaposachedwa

"Tikuchita zomwe zikukudetsani nkhawa," Commissioner yemwe wasankhidwa kumene akutero pomwe akulowa nawo apolisi olimbana ndi umbanda ku Redhill.

Apolisi ndi Commissioner wa Crime Lisa Townsend atayima kunja kwa Sainbury's m'tawuni ya Redhill

Commissioner adalumikizana ndi maofesala pa opareshoni yothana ndi kuba m'masitolo ku Redhill atalimbana ndi ogulitsa mankhwala osokoneza bongo pa Redhill Railway Station.

Lisa Townsend ayamikira njira ya apolisi ya 'kubwerera ku maziko' pamene apambana kachiwiri monga Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey

Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend

Lisa adalumbira kuti apitilizabe kuthandiza apolisi a Surrey kuti ayang'anenso pazomwe zili zofunika kwambiri kwa okhalamo.

Policing Your Community - Commissioner ati magulu apolisi akulimbana ndi zigawenga zogwiritsa ntchito mankhwala osokoneza bongo atalowa nawo m'maboma

Apolisi ndi Commissioner wa Crime Lisa Townsend amayang'ana pakhomo lakumaso pomwe Apolisi aku Surrey akupereka chilolezo pamalo okhudzana ndi kugulitsa mankhwala osokoneza bongo.

Sabata yochitapo kanthu imatumiza uthenga wamphamvu kwa achifwamba am'maboma kuti apolisi apitilizabe kusokoneza maukonde awo ku Surrey.