Umhlangano weKomidi Lokucwaningwa Kwamabhuku Elihlangene ka-Surrey - zingama-31 kuMasingana - I-Ajenda Namaphepha

Surrey Police and Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Joint Audit Committee – 31st January 2019

Ingxenye Yokuqala

  1. Ukuxolisa
  2. Izimemezelo Zentshisekelo
  3. Isaziso Sokukhishwa
  4. Part Two Item
  5. Part Two Item
  6. Whistle-Blowing – OPCC Update
  7. Umbiko Wezempilo Nokuphepha
  8. Minutes of the Meeting held 17th October 2018
  9. Matters Arising from 17th October 2018
  10. Umbiko Wocwaningo Lwezimali Lwangaphakathi
  11. Internal Audit – Introduction to Southern Internal Audit Partnership – Verbal
  12. Uhlelo Lokucwaninga Kwangaphandle lwango-2018/19
  13. Ukubuyekezwa Konyaka Kwezinhlelo Zokulawulwa Kwengozi
  14. Audit Committee Self Assessment – Verbal
  15. Isaziso Sokukhishwa