IKomidi Elihlanganyelwe Lokucwaninga - zingama-27 kuMbasa wezi-2022

Isaziso Somhlangano

Joint Audit Committee – Office of the PCC for Surrey and Surrey Police

Wednesday 27th April, 1oam, to be held via remote link (please contact the office for details)

Usihlalo - uPaul Brown


  1. Ngiyaxolisa ngokungekho
  2. Welcome remarks and Urgent Matters
  3. Izimemezelo Zentshisekelo
  4. Amaminithi oMhlangano obanjwe zingama-26 kuMasingana wezi-2022 4b) Action log


5. ERP and ESMCP


6. Joint Audit Committee Annual Report

7. Joint Audit Committee Attendance

I-8a) Umbiko Wokuqhubeka Kocwaningo Lwezimali lwango-2021-22

I-8b) Isu Lokucwaningwa Kwamabhuku Kwangaphakathi, Uhlelo kanye Nomqulu 2022/23

9a) External Audit Outline Audit Plan 21/22 – to follow

9b) External Audit Auditor’s Annual Report 20/21 – to follow

9c) Update on 2019/20 Audit Fees

10) Ukubuyekezwa Konyaka KweSikimu Sokubusa

I-10a) Surrey Code of Corporate Governance

I-10b) Decision Making and Accountability Framework for Surrey OPCC

10c) Surrey-Sussex PCC Scheme of Delegation

10d) Chief Constable’s Scheme of Delegation

10) Memorandum of Understanding (and Schedule to the MOU)

10f) Imithethonqubo Yezezimali

10g) Imiyalo Emile Yenkontileka

11) Treasury Management Policy Statement and Strategy

12) Review of Governance of Arrangements of making Grants to Third Parties

13) Ukubuyekezwa Kwezipho Nokungenisa Izihambi

14) Umbiko Wezempilo Nokuphepha