Ilogi Yezinqumo 054/2020 - Isikhwama sokuxhasa iCoronavirus - Abesifazane Abasejele

UKhomishani Wamaphoyisa Nobugebengu Kwa-Surrey - Irekhodi Lokwenza Izinqumo

Isihloko Sombiko: Isikhwama Sokusekela ICoronavirus

Inombolo yesinqumo: 054/2020

Umbhali Neqhaza Lomsebenzi: Craig Jones - Ukugunyazwa kanye Nokuhola Kwenqubomgomo ye-CJ

Ukumaka okuvikelayo: NGEMPELA

Isifinyezo esiphezulu: I-PCC yenze kwatholakala enye i-£500,000 yokuxhasa abahlinzeki abakhona ngezindleko zabo ezengeziwe ezidalwe njengomphumela oqondile womqedazwe we-Covid-19.


Inhlangano elandelayo ifake isicelo sosizo ku-Coronavirus Support Fund;

Women in Prison – sum requested £22,240

Funding to reduce the WSC’s current Counselling waiting list and re-open the service to new referrals

The demand for counselling from the Women’s Support Centre (WSC) has always been high. To enable the service to respond to the increasing risk facing our clients due to Covid-19, and the demand on mental health services during and as a result of lockdowns, WSC need to increase their staff base accordingly and reach those already waiting, before the next wave.

WSC aim to reduce the current Counselling waiting list and re-open the service to new referrals by employing qualified, self-employed counsellors to deliver a fixed number of sessions. Due to high levels of trauma and complex needs faced by the women accessing this service and furthered by the impact of Covid-19, it is not always suitable for, or within the competencies of trainee counsellors to deliver on this.

The existing waiting time to receive counselling exceeds one year and funding this project would enable the service to timely and significantly reduce those waiting in need.


Ukuthi uKhomishana Wamaphoyisa Nobugebengu anikeze isamba esiceliwe kule nhlangano eshiwo ngenhla £22,240

Ukugunyazwa Kwamaphoyisa Nobugebengu

Ngiyazivumela izincomo:

Signature: David Munro (wet signature on hard copy)

Idethi: 07/12/2020

Zonke izinqumo kufanele zengezwe kurejista yezinqumo.