Decision Log 019/2022 – Estates Strategy 2021-2031

Inombolo yesinqumo: 019/2022

Umbhali Neqhaza Lomsebenzi: Kelvin Menon – uMgcinimafa

Ukumaka okuvikelayo: NGEMPELA

Isifinyezo esiphezulu:

All of the Estate is owned by the PCC. The Force has updated its Estates Strategy which covers the period from 2021 to 2031 and this was approved at the Estates Strategy Board on the 14th Juni 2022.


The Force has 34 operational sites, both Leasehold and Freehold, together with a number of parcels of land across the County.

The strategy outlines the vision and ambition for the Force estate, including a commitment to provide effective, efficient, and sustainable buildings that support the work of Surrey Police at a local level to keep communities safe and feeling safe. The strategy aims to assist in reducing costs, promoting operational effectiveness, enhancing conditions for staff, and enabling more agile and collaborative ways of working, supported by modern technology.

The largest project within the strategy relates to the redevelopment of the HQ at Mount Browne and it is anticipated that work will commence in 2023 and take a number of years to finish.


It is RECOMMENDED that the PCC adopts the Surrey Estates Strategy for 2021-31

Ukugunyazwa Kwamaphoyisa Nobugebengu

Ngiyazivumela izincomo:

Isiginesha: PCC Lisa Townsend (ikhophi yesiginesha emanzi ebanjwe ku-OPCC)


Zonke izinqumo kufanele zengezwe kurejista yezinqumo.

Izindawo zokucatshangelwa


The strategy has been widely consulted on within the Force

Imiphumela yezezimali

No implications from the strategy itself but individual projects have financial implications and will be considered individually. Where money has to be borrowed to deliver change a maximum payback period of 25 years has been incorporated into the strategy




Risk of non-achievement but the strategy will be subject to regular monitoring and updates at the Estates Strategy board.

Ukulingana nokuhlukahluka


Izingozi zamalungelo abantu
