Ilogi Yesinqumo 010/2022 - Izikimu Zesibonelelo Sikahulumeni Abamele Abazimele 2022/2023

Umbhali Neqhaza Lomsebenzi: Rachel Lupanko, uMphathi weHhovisi

Ukumaka okuvikelayo: NGEMPELA

Isifinyezo esiphezulu:

I-Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), isebenzisa amandla anikezwe uMthetho Wamaphoyisa Nobugebengu wezi-2011, ikhokhela Isibonelelo Sokuthamela Abameleli Abazimele BeKomidi Lokucwaninga Amabhuku, Iphaneli Lokuziphatha Okungalungile kanye Nezinkantolo Zokudlulisa Izikhalo Zamaphoyisa kanye Nosihlalo Abaqeqeshwe Ngokusemthethweni Bethimba Lokungaziphathi kahle kanye Izinkantolo Zokudluliswa Kwamacala Amaphoyisa.

Abamele Abazimele kanye Nezivakashi Ezizimele Zokugcina Imali nazo ziyakwazi ukufaka izicelo zezindleko zokuhamba, ezokudla nezokunakekela izingane ezitholwe ngenkathi kusebhizinisini elisemthethweni le-PCC.

I-Allowance Scheme ibuyekezwa njalo ngonyaka.



Following a review in 2016 it was decided to clarify the amounts paid to the different Independent Representatives appointed by the PCC. Each scheme has been reviewed and updated for 2022/2023 and is set out below, copies are attached to this decision paper as 1-4:

  1. I-Independent Custody Visitors Allowance Scheme
  2. I-Audit Committee Members Allowance Scheme
  3. Amalungu Azimele Ephaneli Yokungaziphathi Kahle kanye nohlelo Lwesibonelelo Sikahulumeni Sezikhalazo Zamaphoyisa
  4. Legally Qualified Chairs for Misconduct Panel & Police Appeals Tribunal Allowance Scheme

In most cases the PCC is bound by the rate set by the Home Office (Independent Members for Misconduct Panels and Police Appeals Tribunals, Legally Qualified Chairs for Misconduct Panels and Police Appeals Tribunals. The Chair of the Joint Audit Committee receives a fixed annual allowance agreed when appointed, this can be increased annually at discretion of the PCC. The PCC is able to increase the Attendance Allowance for Audit Committee Members, the repayment rate for subsistence or childcare expenses for Audit Committee Members and Independent Custody Visitors in line with the CPI inflation rate for September 2022 of 3.1%.



That the PCC follows the Home Office rate for Independent Members for Misconduct Panels and Police Appeal Tribunals and Legally Qualified Chairs for Misconduct Panels and Police Appeal Tribunal. The PCC Increases the Audit Committee Chairs Allowance, the Attendance Allowance for Audit Committee Members and the repayment rate for subsistence and childcare expenses for Audit Committee Members and Independent Custody Visitors in line with the CPI inflation rate (September 2022) of 3.1%.


Ukugunyazwa Kwamaphoyisa Nobugebengu

Ngiyazivumela izincomo:

Signature: Lisa Townsend, Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey

Idethi: 12 / 04 / 2022

Zonke izinqumo kufanele zengezwe kurejista yezinqumo.


Izindawo ezicatshangelwayo:


Akukho okudingekayo

Imithelela yezezimali:

Isivele ifakiwe kwisabelomali sika-2021/2022


Akukho okudingekayo



Equality and diversity:

Ayikho imithelela

Izingozi zamalungelo abantu
