
For our Christmas card we invited images from services supporting children and young people that we fund across Surrey.

This year’s photograph was taken by a young person near the Canal in Woking, as part of an ‘Answers through Photography’ workshop run by charity Catch22.

The workshop is part of Catch22’s ‘Music to My Ears’ service that is funded by our office to support children and young people who have been directly affected by criminal exploitation. The Service helps them to express what they are feeling and build back their resilience through creativity:

photograph of a snowy path through woodland near to the basingstoke canal in Woking

This winter scene was captured in response to the question, “What does the future mean to you?” The young person said, “Although things seem cold and hard to navigate at the moment they could see a pathway though.”

On behalf of the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner, we wish everyone a very happy and safe Christmas!


麗莎湯森(Lisa Townsend)贏得薩裡警察和犯罪專員第二任期,稱讚警方「回歸基本」的做法

警察和犯罪專員麗莎湯森 (Lisa Townsend)







麗莎湯森 (Lisa Townsend) 專員表示,這筆資金將有助於增加薩裡郡的警察存在和能見度。