IsiGqibo sokuNgenisa 045/2020-iNgxowa-mali yeNkxaso yeCoronavirus

Amapolisa kunye noMkomishinala woLwaphulo-mthetho we-Surrey - iRekhodi yokuthatha izigqibo

Isihloko seNgxelo: INgxowa-mali yeNkxaso yeCoronavirus

Inombolo yesigqibo: 045/2020

Author and Job Role: Craig Jones – Commissioning & Policy Lead for CJ

Ukuphawula okuKhuselayo: IGOSA

Isishwankathelo sebhunga: I-PCC yenze ukuba kufumaneke i-£ 500,000 eyongezelelweyo ukuxhasa ababoneleli abakhoyo kunye neendleko zabo ezongezelelweyo ezibangelwa ngenxa yesiphumo esithe ngqo se-Covid-19 bhubhane.


The following organisation has applied for assistance from the Coronavirus Support Fund;

Surrey County Council (Public Health) – CJS Substance Misuse Service – sum requested £52,871*

The system and individual pressures as a result of COVID 19 both within the local CJS and national lockdown pressures in prisons and courts has resulted in an increased risk to those residents who have found it the most difficult to confront their offending and drug and alcohol misuse behaviour. They are a small cohort in the overall population who tend to have difficulty in engagement with treatment, health risks including blood borne virus infection, harm or death from overdose and repeat offences resulting in custodial sentences.


  • Increased CJS population as a result of Prison early prison release scheme. (National)
  • Delay in court operation during COVID-19 lockdown resulting an increased CJS population with treatment needs. (National)
  • Increased risks of drug misuse deaths; primarily opioid overdose, as drug market re-establishes during lockdown relaxation or end. (Local)
  • The local evidence base from the “Access Project” (2004 -2006) in NW Surrey which demonstrated the effectiveness of integrated treatment and CJS system for service user outcomes. (Local)

The proposal is for two agency WTE band 6 workers to work in the CJS settings i.e. probation offices etc. to deliver a service specifically for Integrated Offender Management (IOM) clients in Surrey.

*The actual cost of this service is £112,871 for 12 months but funding will be sourced as follows;

Coronavirus Fund – £52,871

Reducing Reoffending Fund – £25000

Community Safety Fund – £15000

Surrey Police (S27 funds) – £10000

National probation service – £10000

I ngcebiso:

That the Police & Crime Commissioner awards the sum requested to the above mentioned organisation totalling £52,871 from the Coronavirus Support Fund and approves a further £40,000 to be utilised from the Reducing reoffending and Community safety Funds (to be transferred to the Coronavirus Support Fund).

Imvume yoMkomishinala wamaPolisa noLwaphulo-mthetho

Ndiyavumelana nezindululo:

Umsayino: David Munro (utyikityo olumanzi kwikopi eprintiweyo)

Umhla: 16 Okthobha 2020

Zonke izigqibo kufuneka zongezwe kwirejista yesigqibo.

Iindawo zokuqwalaselwa


Uthethwano lwenzekile namagosa akhokelayo afanelekileyo ngokuxhomekeke kwisicelo. Zonke izicelo ziceliwe ukuba zinike ubungqina bako nakuphi na ukubonisana kunye nothethathethwano noluntu.

Iziphumo zezezimali

Zonke izicelo ziceliwe ukuba ziqinisekise ukuba umbutho uphethe iinkcukacha ezichanekileyo zemali. Bakwacelwa ukuba babandakanye zonke iindleko zeprojekthi kunye nokwahlulwa apho imali iya kuchithwa khona; nayiphi na inkxaso-mali eyongezelelweyo efunyenweyo okanye isicelo kunye nezicwangciso zenkxaso-mali eqhubekayo. IPhaneli yeSigqibo yeNgxowa-mali yoKhuseleko loLuntu/ amagosa omgaqo-nkqubo woKhuseleko loLuntu kunye naMaxhoba aqwalasela imingcipheko yemali kunye namathuba xa ejonga isicelo ngasinye.


Ingcebiso yomthetho ithathwa ngesicelo ngokwesiseko sesicelo.


Igqiza leNgxowa-mali yoKhuseleko loLuntu kunye namagosa omgaqo-nkqubo aqwalasela nayiphi na imingcipheko ekwabiweni kwenkxaso-mali. Ikwayinxalenye yenkqubo ekufuneka iqwalaselwe xa kusaliwa isicelo somngcipheko wonikezelo lwenkonzo ukuba kufanelekile.

Ukulingana kunye nokungafani

Isicelo ngasinye siya kucelwa ukuba sinikezele ngolwazi olufanelekileyo lokulingana kunye nokwahluka njengenxalenye yeemfuno zokubeka iliso. Bonke abafaki-zicelo kulindeleke ukuba babambelele kuMthetho woLingano ka-2010

Imingcipheko kumalungelo oluntu

Isicelo ngasinye siya kucelwa ukuba sinikezele ngolwazi olufanelekileyo lwamalungelo oluntu njengenxalenye yeemfuno zokubeka iliso. Bonke abafaki-zicelo kulindeleke ukuba bathobele uMthetho wamaLungelo oLuntu.