Decision 25/2022 – Reducing Reoffending Fund Application – August 2022

Amapolisa kunye noMkomishinala woLwaphulo-mthetho we-Surrey - iRekhodi yokuthatha izigqibo

Reducing Reoffending Fund Application – August 2022

Inombolo yesigqibo: 025/2022

Umbhali kunye nendima yomsebenzi: UGeorge Bell, uMgaqo-nkqubo woBulungisa kuLwaphulo-mthetho kunye neGosa lokuKhomishini

Ukuphawula okuKhuselayo: Olusemthethweni

Isishwankathelo sebhunga:

Ngowama-2022/23 uMkomishinala wamaPolisa kunye noLwaphulo-mthetho wenze ukuba kufumaneke i-£ 270,000.00 yenkxaso-mali yokunciphisa ukona kwakhona eSurrey.

Application for Small Grant Award under or equal to £5,000 – Reducing Reoffending Fund

Holme Farm – Community Payback in Surrey – Rebecca Huffer

Brief overview of service/decision – To award £5,000 to Community Workshops & Gardens at Holme Farm, a registered charity which is creating an intergenerational community hub, green space, workshops and gardens at a disused site at Holme Farm, Woodham.

Isizathu senkxaso-mali – 1) Community Workshops & Gardens at Holme Farm actively looks to reduce reoffending as it supports volunteer working parties, and partners with HM Probation through the Community Payback scheme to offer offenders an opportunity to do voluntary work at Holme Farm.

2) Green and social prescribing, education, mental and physical wellbeing, and conservation form part of Holme Farm’s governing principles. The project looks to create a sustainable asset for the local community, strengthening the relationship between local residents, the OPCC, and HM Probation Surrey.

Liberty Choir – Pilot-Programme at HMP High Down & HMP&YOI Downview- Emma Gray

Brief overview of service/decision – To award £5,000 to Liberty Choir, who are full-circle charity whose work begins with in-prison weekly choir rehearsals (20 prisoners, 20 community volunteers, director, accompanist). This initial project is an 8-week pilot-programme at HMP High Down and HMP & YOI Downview to reintroduce Liberty Choir to the men and women, following a sustained period of activity restrictions in both prisons due to the pandemic.

Isizathu senkxaso-mali – 1) This pilot promotes the rehabilitation of prisoners in setting up choirs to build the skills and capacity of offenders, so that they can break the cycle of re-offending on release into the community. Once the participants leave prison, they are supported by volunteers through Liberty Choir’s network of community choirs.

2) It promotes social inclusion amongst socially excluded people, by providing a programme of high-quality singing, to help develop skills and self-confidence. This assists them with social integration when they return to the community.

I ngcebiso

That the Commissioner supports these small grant applications to the Reducing Reoffending Fund and awards to the following;

  • £5,000 to the Community Workshops & Gardens at Holme Farm
  • £5,000 to Liberty Choir for its 8-week pilot-programme

Imvume yoMkomishinala wamaPolisa noLwaphulo-mthetho

Ndiyavumelana nezindululo:

Utyikityo: PCC Lisa Townsend (ikopi esayiniweyo emanzi ibanjelwe kwi-OPCC)

Umhla: 17 Agasti 2022

Zonke izigqibo kufuneka zongezwe kwirejista yesigqibo.

Iindawo zokuqwalaselwa


Uthethwano lwenzekile namagosa akhokelayo afanelekileyo ngokuxhomekeke kwisicelo. Zonke izicelo ziceliwe ukuba zinike ubungqina bako nakuphi na ukubonisana kunye nothethathethwano noluntu.

Iziphumo zezezimali

Zonke izicelo ziceliwe ukuba ziqinisekise ukuba umbutho uphethe iinkcukacha ezichanekileyo zemali. Bakwacelwa ukuba babandakanye zonke iindleko zeprojekthi kunye nokwahlulwa apho imali iya kuchithwa khona; nayiphi na inkxaso-mali eyongezelelweyo efunyenweyo okanye isicelo kunye nezicwangciso zenkxaso-mali eqhubekayo. Iphaneli yezigqibo zeNgxowa-mali yokuNcitshiswa kwakhona/amagosa omgaqo-nkqubo woBulungisa boLwaphulo-mthetho aqwalasela imingcipheko yezemali kunye namathuba xa ejonga isicelo ngasinye.


Ingcebiso yomthetho ithathwa ngokwesiseko sesicelo-ngesicelo.


IPhaneli yeSigqibo sokuNcitshiswa kweNgxowa-mali kunye namagosa omgaqo-nkqubo woBulungisa boLwaphulo-mthetho aqwalasela nayiphi na imingcipheko ekwabiweni kwenkxaso-mali. Ikwayinxalenye yenkqubo ekufuneka iqwalaselwe xa kusaliwa isicelo, ubungozi bokunikezelwa kwenkonzo xa kufanelekile.

Ukulingana kunye nokungafani

Isicelo ngasinye siya kucelwa ukuba sinikezele ngolwazi olufanelekileyo lokulingana kunye nokwahluka njengenxalenye yeemfuno zokubeka iliso. Bonke abafaki-zicelo kulindeleke ukuba babambelele kuMthetho woLingano ka-2010

Imingcipheko kumalungelo oluntu

Isicelo ngasinye siya kucelwa ukuba sinikezele ngolwazi olufanelekileyo lwamalungelo oluntu njengenxalenye yeemfuno zokubeka iliso. Bonke abafaki-zicelo kulindeleke ukuba bathobele uMthetho wamaLungelo oLuntu.