Isigqibo 44/2022 - Inkxaso-mali yokubonelela ngeenkonzo zenkxaso kwingingqi

Umbhali kunye nendima yomsebenzi:           George Bell, Criminal Justice Policy and Commissioning Officer

Ukuphawula okuKhuselayo:              Olusemthethweni


The Police & Crime Commissioner for Surrey is responsible for commissioning services that support victims of crime, improve community safety, tackle child exploitation, and prevent reoffending. We operate several different funding streams and regularly invite organisations to apply for grant funding to support the above aims.

Kunyaka-mali wama-2022/23 iOfisi yamaPolisa kunye noMkomishinala woLwaphulo-mthetho isebenzise inxalenye yenkxaso-mali evela ekuhlaleni ukuxhasa ukuhanjiswa kweenkonzo zasekuhlaleni. Iyonke inkxaso-mali eyongezelelweyo ye-£ 650,000 yenziwe yafumaneka ukulungiselela le njongo, kwaye eli phepha lichaza ulwabiwo kolu hlahlo-lwabiwo-mali.

Izivumelwano zeNkxaso-mali eziMgangatho

Service:          Fair Justice for All

Umboneleli:        Justice Is Now

Isibonelelo:             £30,000


Have outcomes improved for complainants in sexual offence cases within the court room? There are currently no local models for monitoring what is happening within the court. A court observers panel helps to provide immediate confidence for complainants that their experience is being monitored. This funding enables the establishment of court observer panels for rape cases in Surrey. The Court Observers model will run for 12 months and aim to gain observation of a total of 30 cases in the locality.

Uhlahlo lwabiwo-mali:

Ukunyuswa komyalelo ka-2022/23

Imvume yoMkomishinala wamaPolisa noLwaphulo-mthetho

I approve the recommendations as detailed in this report.

Utyikityo: ULisa Townsend, uMkomishinala wamaPolisa kunye noLwaphulo-mthetho waseSurrey (ikopi emanzi esayiniweyo egcinwe kwiOfisi yoMkomishinala)

umhla: 07 December 2022

(Zonke izigqibo kufuneka zongezwe kwirejista yesigqibo.)