Isigqibo 06/2023 - Ukuvunywa koLawulo lweSebe lezeMali kunye neNgxelo ye-MRP kunye neSicwangciso soBuchule sowama-2023/24

Umbhali kunye nendima yomsebenzi:      Kelvin Menon

Ukuphawula okuKhuselayo:         IGOSA

Isishwankathelo sebhunga:

The PCC is asked to approve the Treasury Management and MRP Statement and the Capital Strategy agreed at the Joint Audit Committee meeting on the 25th Epreli 2023.


I-PCC inoxanduva olusemthethweni lwazo zonke izinto ze-Force/OPCC. Oku akuquki nje izinto eziphathekayo kodwa notyalo-mali lukaNondyebo kunye nokuboleka. Ezi zicwangciso-qhinga zimbini zibonakalisa indlela ezi nkalo ziya kulawulwa ngayo ngokoLawulo.

I ngcebiso

It is recommended that the PCC approves the Treasury and MRP Statement the Capital Strategy and that they be placed on the website.

Imvume yoMkomishinala wamaPolisa noLwaphulo-mthetho

Ndiyavumelana nezindululo:

Utyikityo: PCC Lisa Townsend (ikopi esayiniweyo emanzi ibanjelwe kwi-OPCC)

date: 16 May 2023

Zonke izigqibo kufuneka zongezwe kwirejista yesigqibo.

Iindawo zokuqwalaselwa


The JAC has been consulted on these papers.

Iziphumo zezezimali

These are taken account of in the statements.


Amaphepha ahambelana nekhowudi yePrudential.


Yimfuno yekhowudi yobulumko ukuvuma i-Ofisi kaNondyebo, i-MRP kunye neqhinga leNkunzi.

Ukulingana kunye nokungafani

Akukho ziphumo

Imingcipheko kumalungelo oluntu

Akukho ziphumo