Nhật ký quyết định 018/2021 – Xây dựng dự án tương lai – Tiến tới RIBA Giai đoạn 3

Ủy viên cảnh sát và tội phạm cho Surrey – Hồ sơ ra quyết định

Report Title: Building the Future Project – Progression to RIBA stage 3

Số quyết định: 018/2021

Tác giả và vai trò công việc: Kelvin Menon – Thủ quỹ OPCC

Đánh dấu bảo vệ: CHÍNH THỨC

Báo cáo tóm tắt

Following completion of RIBA stage 2 to give authority to release £3m for the project to proceed to RIBA stage 3

Tiểu sử

The Building the Future Project consist of the construction of a new HQ in Leatherhead coupled with the disposal of a number of other sites.

At the Building the Future Board Meeting the PCC was informed that RIBA stage 2 had been completed successfully. RIBA stage 2 is related to Concept Design and consist of:

  • Preparing the architectural concept including requires to align with costs plans and spacial strategies
  • Preparation of a design program
  • Pre-application discussions with planners
  • Preparation of a detailed cost plan and proof of business case

RIBA Stage 3 consists of more detailed architectural and design work leading up to the submission of a planning application. It is estimated that the cost of this work will be approximately £3m and is in line with overall expectations.

The financial business case prepared at the end of RIBA stage 2 indicated that further work will be required in order to ensure that the project can deliver within its original parameters. In particular this will include close monitoring of risks, contingencies and variations to the project. A “Gateway Review” was carried out by the “Infrastructure and Projects Authority” (IPA) – part of the Treasury. One of the recommendations it made was that financial model be independently validated before proceeding to the next stage.

Khuyến nghị:

On the recommendation of the Building the Future Board held on the 19th March 2021 the PCC is requested to authorise the release of £3m of Capital to enable the project to proceed to RIBA stage 3. This is conditional on a validation being undertaken of the Financial Model as recommended by the IPA inspection

Sự chấp thuận của Ủy viên Cảnh sát và Tội phạm

Tôi chấp thuận (các) đề xuất:

Chữ ký: David Munro (bản sao chữ ký ướt được giữ tại OPCC)

Ngày: 22/03/2021

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Ý nghĩa tài chính

This move to RIBA stage 3 could result in an increase in sunk costs of the project does not proceed. In addition delivery of the project within historical financial parameters may be challenging

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There is a risk that the project cannot be delivered thereby incurring sunk costs as well as operational challenges

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