Quyết định 32/2022 – Tài trợ cho Đơn vị Chăm sóc Nạn nhân và Nhân chứng 2022

Tác giả và vai trò công việc: Lucy Thomas, Trưởng ban điều hành & Chính sách cho Dịch vụ Nạn nhân

Đánh dấu bảo vệ:  CHÍNH THỨC

Tóm tắt:

Police & Crime Commissioners have the statutory responsibility to provide services to support victims cope and recover. The Victim & Witness Care Unit is jointly funded between the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner (OPCC) for Surrey and Surrey Police to support victims and witnesses.

Tiểu sử

  • Courts are currently experiencing notable backlog in trials, and this is increasing the caseload of the victim and witness care officers within the unit. Many victims are also feeling a heightened level of anxiety post-pandemic and combined with the current economic climate, this is creating a complexity of need, elongating the timeline for support. These combined factors have generated unprecedent demand for the unit and OPCC and Surrey Police is to increase resourcing to ensure the unit continues to provide high quality support which meets victims’ needs.

Khuyến nghị

  • Additional funding (outlined below) is provided to the Victim and Witness Care Unit to increase resources to manage demand and support victims to cope and recover.
  • 2023/24 – £52,610.85
  • 2024/25 – £52,610.85

Sự chấp thuận của Ủy viên Cảnh sát và Tội phạm

Tôi chấp thuận (các) đề xuất:

Chữ ký: Commissioner Lisa Townsend (wet signed copy held in Commissioner’s Office)

Ngày: 20th 2022 Tháng Mười

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