Qarorlar jurnali - 006/2021 daromaddan kapital o'tkazishga

Surrey uchun politsiya va jinoyat komissari - qaror qabul qilish rekordi

Report Title: Revenue to Capital Transfer
Qaror raqami: 006/2021
Author and Job Role: Kelvin Menon – OPCC Treasurer
Himoya belgisi: RASMIY

Kirish; qisqa Umumiy ma'lumot:

The purpose of this decision to permit the transfer of £1,917,800 from Revenue to Capital to fund short life Capital Expenditure.


Any expenditure on assets deemed to have a life of longer than one year is usually capitalised provided that it is greater than de-minimus limits. However as borrowing has only been permitted by the PCC for estates this expenditure has to be met from existing capital receipts or from revenue.

As a consequence a revenue transfer is required to ensure that this capital expenditure can be funded.

Politsiya va jinoyat bo'yicha komissarning roziligi

Men tavsiya(lar)ni ma’qullayman:

Imzo: Devid Munro (nam imzo qog'ozda mavjud)
Sana: 22 / 02 / 2021