
101 survéy kinerja

We launched a public survey asking for residents’ views on how Surrey Police respond to non-emergency calls on the 101 non-emergency number.

League tables published by the Home Office showed that Surrey Police was one of the best forces at quickly answering 999 calls in 2022. But staff shortages in the police Contact Centre meant that as calls to 999 were prioritised, some people experienced longer wait times than normal.

During October and November, residents were invited to have their feedback on the service they had received and share their views on the measures that Surrey Police were considering to improve it.

What did the survey say – and what are we doing about it?

The survey was completed by 441 people. Read the report below to learn more about the responses we received and the steps that are being taken by Surrey Police and our Office to improve the 101 non-emergency service in Surrey:

See the latest updates on our Data Hub

Hub Data kami ngandung inpormasi panganyarna ngeunaan ukuran kinerja panganyarna pikeun Polisi Surrey, ogé inpormasi ngeunaan anggaran sareng kagiatan komisioner kantor kami sareng kontak anjeun sareng Komisaris.

Hub ieu diropéa bulanan, hartina eta meta salaku versi hirup tina informasi direbut dina Laporan Performance Public dihasilkeun pikeun tiap rapat umum.

Bérita paling énggal

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Polisi sareng Komisaris Kajahatan Lisa Townsend ningali tina panto hareup nalika perwira Polisi Surrey ngaéksekusi nawaran dina harta anu aya hubunganana sareng kamungkinan urusan narkoba.

Minggu aksi ngirim pesen anu kuat ka geng garis kabupaten yén pulisi bakal terus ngabongkar jaringanna di Surrey.

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Polisi sareng Komisaris Kajahatan ngalangkungan torowongan anu ditutupan grafiti sareng dua patugas pulisi lalaki ti tim lokal di Spelthorne

Komisaris Lisa Townsend ceuk duit bakal mantuan nambahan ayana pulisi jeung pisibilitas sakuliah Surrey.

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Komisaris Lisa Townsend nyarios yén waktos ngantosan pikeun ngahubungi Polisi Surrey dina 101 sareng 999 ayeuna mangrupikeun panghandapna dina catetan Angkatan.