Rapat Kinerja sareng Akuntabilitas Publik - 31 Januari 2022

10: 00-12: 00
Facebook Live

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Rapat kinerja sareng Akuntabilitas dilaksanakeun sareng Kapala Polisi Surrey unggal 12 minggu. Aranjeunna kaasup laporan Performance diropéa kalawan inpo nu panganyarna ti Pulisi Surrey, sarta laporan tambahan dina téma sapuk.


  1. Introduction from the Commissioner
  2. Approval of the Minutes and Actions from previous meeting
  3. Public Performance Report – January 2022
  4. CCTV
  5. anggaran Pulisi Surrey
  6. Ngurangan kekerasan ngalawan Awewe jeung Katresna
  7. AOB