Log Kaputusan 045/2020 - Dana Dukungan Coronavirus

Polisi sareng Komisaris Kajahatan pikeun Surrey - Rékam Pengambilan Kaputusan

Judul Laporan: Dana Rojongan Coronavirus

Nomer kaputusan: 045/2020

Panulis sareng Peran Proyék: Craig Jones - Commissioning & Kabijakan Lead pikeun CJ

Nyirian pelindung: PENTING

Ringkesan éksékutip: PCC parantos nyayogikeun tambahan £ 500,000 pikeun ngadukung panyadia anu tos aya kalayan biaya tambahanna disababkeun salaku akibat langsung tina pandémik Covid-19.

kasang tukang

Organisasi di handap ieu parantos ngalamar bantosan ti Dana Dukungan Coronavirus;

Surrey County Council (Public Health) – CJS Substance Misuse Service – sum requested £52,871*

The system and individual pressures as a result of COVID 19 both within the local CJS and national lockdown pressures in prisons and courts has resulted in an increased risk to those residents who have found it the most difficult to confront their offending and drug and alcohol misuse behaviour. They are a small cohort in the overall population who tend to have difficulty in engagement with treatment, health risks including blood borne virus infection, harm or death from overdose and repeat offences resulting in custodial sentences.


  • Increased CJS population as a result of Prison early prison release scheme. (National)
  • Delay in court operation during COVID-19 lockdown resulting an increased CJS population with treatment needs. (National)
  • Increased risks of drug misuse deaths; primarily opioid overdose, as drug market re-establishes during lockdown relaxation or end. (Local)
  • The local evidence base from the “Access Project” (2004 -2006) in NW Surrey which demonstrated the effectiveness of integrated treatment and CJS system for service user outcomes. (Local)

The proposal is for two agency WTE band 6 workers to work in the CJS settings i.e. probation offices etc. to deliver a service specifically for Integrated Offender Management (IOM) clients in Surrey.

*The actual cost of this service is £112,871 for 12 months but funding will be sourced as follows;

Coronavirus Fund – £52,871

Reducing Reoffending Fund – £25000

Community Safety Fund – £15000

Surrey Police (S27 funds) – £10000

National probation service – £10000


That the Police & Crime Commissioner awards the sum requested to the above mentioned organisation totalling £52,871 from the Coronavirus Support Fund and approves a further £40,000 to be utilised from the Reducing reoffending and Community safety Funds (to be transferred to the Coronavirus Support Fund).

Pulisi sareng Komisaris Kajahatan Persetujuan

Kuring nyatujuan rekomendasi (s):

Tanda tangan: David Munro (tanda tangan baseuh dina hard copy)

Tanggal: 16 Oktober 2020

Sadaya kaputusan kedah dilebetkeun kana daptar kaputusan.

Wewengkon tinimbangan


Konsultasi parantos dilaksanakeun sareng perwira pimpinan anu cocog gumantung kana aplikasi. Sadaya aplikasi parantos dipénta pikeun nyayogikeun bukti naon waé konsultasi sareng papacangan komunitas.

Implikasi finansial

Sadaya aplikasi parantos dipenta pikeun mastikeun yén organisasi gaduh inpormasi kauangan anu akurat. Éta ogé dipenta pikeun ngawengku total biaya proyék kalawan ngarecahna dimana duit bakal spent; sagala dana tambahan anu diamankeun atanapi diterapkeun sareng ngarencanakeun dana anu terus-terusan. Panel Kaputusan Dana Kasalametan Komunitas / Patugas kabijakan Kasalametan Komunitas sareng Korban nimbangkeun résiko sareng kasempetan kauangan nalika ningali unggal aplikasi.


Naséhat hukum dicokot dina hiji aplikasi dumasar aplikasi.


Panel Kaputusan Dana Kasalametan Komunitas sareng patugas kawijakan nganggap naon waé résiko dina alokasi dana. Éta ogé mangrupikeun bagian tina prosés anu kedah dipertimbangkeun nalika nampik aplikasi résiko pangiriman jasa upami cocog.

Kasaruaan jeung karagaman

Unggal aplikasi bakal dipénta pikeun nyayogikeun inpormasi kasaruaan sareng kabébasan salaku bagian tina syarat ngawaskeun. Sadaya pelamar diharepkeun taat kana Undang-undang Kasaruaan 2010

Résiko kana hak asasi manusa

Unggal aplikasi bakal dipénta pikeun nyayogikeun inpormasi hak asasi manusa anu pas salaku bagian tina syarat ngawaskeun. Sadaya pelamar diharepkeun taat kana UU Hak Asasi Manusia.