Дневник одлука 015/2021 – Уговор о купцу Блуе Лигхт

Комесар полиције и криминала за Сурреи – записник о доношењу одлука

Report Title: Blue Light Fleet Customer Agreement

број одлуке: 015/2021

Аутор и посао: Келвин Менон – ОПЦЦ благајник

Заштитна ознака: ЗВАНИЧНИК


To enter in to a Customer Agreement with Blue Light Commercial Limited to enable the Force to participate in joint national procurement for the purchase of vehicles. All forces and PCCs are parties to this agreement


Blue Light Commercial was formed some years ago to enable Forces to procure collectively and thus make savings. This agreement enables Forces to take advantage of potential discounts on the purchase of Fleet. The signing of the agreement does not commit the Force to buy any set number of type of vehicles at this stage but merely to be party to the agreement.

Whether Surrey takes advantage of this procurement will depend on the terms and prices that are eventually offered.


To sign the Blue Light Fleet Customer Agreement as attached

Одобрење полиције и комесара за криминал

Одобравам препоруку(е):

Потпис: Давид Мунро (копија влажног потписа чува се у ОПЦЦ-у)

Датум: 22

Све одлуке се морају додати у регистар одлука.

Области разматрања



Финансијске импликације

None – but could lead to savings




None – no obligation to participate

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