Дневник одлуке 002/2021 – Смањење пријаве за фонд за прекршаје – јануар 2021.

Наслов извештаја: Reducing Re offending Fund (RRF) Application January 2021

број одлуке: 002/2021

Аутор и радна улога: Цраиг Јонес – Полици & Цоммиссионинг Леад фор ЦЈ

Заштитна ознака: ЗВАНИЧНИК

Резиме пословног плана:

For 2020/21 the Police and Crime Commissioner has made available £266,667 of funding to reduce re offending in Surrey.


In January 2021 the following organisation submitted an application to the RRF for consideration;

The Twinning Project - Reducing Re offending in Surrey - тражена сума од £5000

The overall aim of this project is to engage approximately 50 prisoners per year in each of the 114 prisons in England and Wales in football-based programmes to improve their skills and employability whilst simultaneous improving their mental, physical health and all-round wellbeing. This will enable them to obtain a recognised qualification either in coaching or refereeing which will help improve their life chances and gain employment. Ultimately, this will almost certainly lead to a reduction in re offending and improve life changes.


Да Комесар полиције и криминала додијели тражену суму горе поменутој организацији укупно £5000

Одобрење полиције и комесара за криминал

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Потпис: Давид Мунро (мокри потпис доступан на штампаној копији)