Diiwaanka Go'aanka - 003/2021 Sanduuqa Taageerada Coronavirus

Cinwaanka warbixinta: Sanduuqa Taageerada Coronavirus

Lambarka go'aanka: 003/2021

Author and Job Role: Sarah Haywood – Commissioning & Policy Lead for Community Safety

Calaamadaynta Ilaalinta: XAFIIS

Soo Koobid Fulineed: PCC waxa ay diyaarisay £500,000 oo dheeri ah si ay ugu taageerto bixiyayaasha jira kharashaadkooda dheeriga ah ee ay sababto masiibada tooska ah ee Covid-19


The following organisations have applied for assistance from the Coronavirus Support Fund;

Surrey County Council – sum requested £5,000

To award Surrey County Council £5,000 to deploy AdVans across Surrey to encourage people to follow the national guidelines to stay local, mix only with one other person and only for exercise and to only leave their home for essential exercise or shopping. This is in line with the campaign to stop the spread of the virus, save lives and protect the NHS. The funding will support the vans being deployed for a further weekend.

Talo soo jeedin:

That the Police & Crime Commissioner awards £5,000 to Surrey County Council toward the AdVans.

Ansixinta Booliska iyo Taliyaha Dambiyada

Waan aqbalay talada:

Saxeexa: David Munro (saxiixa qoyan ayaa lagu heli karaa nuqul adag)

Taariikhda: 25/01/2021

Dhammaan go'aamada waa in lagu daraa diiwaanka go'aanka.