Hofisi yeCommissioner


Hutongi hweMapurisa eSurrey uye Hofisi yedu

Iri peji rine rumwe ruzivo nezve zvimiro uye maitiro ane chekuita neKutonga kweSurrey Mapurisa uye Hofisi yedu. Rumwe ruzivo rwemitemo uye mutemo runogona kuwanikwa mune yedu Mitemo uye Ruzivo rwezvemutemo peji.

Chirongwa cheKutonga

Dare reScheme of Governance rinopa kujeka kunzira iyo Mapurisa neCrime Commissioner naChief Constable vanoita basa ravo. Inotaridza kuti mapato ese ari maviri achatonga sei, akabatana uye akaparadzana, uye ine chinangwa chekuona kuti bhizinesi reCommissioner uye reSurrey Police rinoitwa nenzira kwayo, nezvikonzero zvakanaka uye panguva chaiyo.

The Scheme of Governance inosanganisira magwaro anotevera, akapihwa semagwaro akavhurika ekuwana kuti awanikwe (ndapota cherechedzai: mafaera anogona kurodha otomatiki kana adzvanywa):

Surrey Code of Corporate Governance 2024/25

Izvi zvinotara kuti Komisheni achazadzisa sei misimboti ye 'hutongi hwakanaka' vachipesana nenzvimbo nomwe dzakatarwa neThe Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA).

Surrey Decision Making and Accountability Framework 2024/25

Izvi zvinotsanangura kuti Komisheni achaita uye achashambadza sei zvisarudzo uye hurongwa hwake hwekuita kuti Chief Constable azvidavirire nenzira yakanaka, yakavhurika uye iri pachena.

Surrey-Sussex Police and Crime Commissioners’ Scheme of Delegation 2024/25

Izvi zvinotaridza mabasa akakosha eCommissioner neaya mabasa avanopa kune vamwe kuti vazviite vakamiririra ivo, kusanganisira Chief Executive, Chief Finance Officer uye mapurisa epamusoro.

Surrey-Sussex Chief Constable Scheme of Delegation 2024/25

Izvi zvinotaridza mabasa akakosha eMukuru Constable uye iwo mabasa avanopa kune vamwe muSurrey neSussex Mapurisa. Inowedzera Scheme of Delegation, iyo inosanganisira masimba akapihwa kuna Chief Constable, Director we
People Services uye Chief Finance Officer.

Surrey-Sussex Memorandum of Understanding and Schedule 2024/25

Chibvumirano cheMoU chinotara kuti Commissioner naChief Constable vachashanda sei pamwe chete munzvimbo dzakaita sekutonga kweminda, kutenga, HR, kufambiswa kwemashoko pamwe nekusimudzira makambani.

Ona gwaro

Ona Rongedza kuMoU.

Surrey-Sussex Financial Regulations 2024/25

Izvi zvinotara hurongwa nemitemo inobvumira Komisheni naChief Constable kutonga bhizinesi ravo rezvemari nemazvo, nemazvo uye vachitevedzera zvese zvinodiwa.

View document (PDF)

Tsvaga zvimwe pane yedu Surrey Mapurisa Mari peji.

Surrey-Sussex Contract Standing Orders

These set out the rules and processes to be followed when procuring goods, works and services. 

The Contact Standing Orders have not been reviewed for 2024/25 as the Procurement Reform Bill is currently progressing through the House of Commons and therefore a comprehensive review will be undertaken once the Bill is approved and published.

It is anticipated that the Bill will be approved by late summer/autumn allowing for a full review to be progressed in line with the 2024/25 financial year.

Surrey-Sussex Protocol for Collaborated Services 2024/25

This sets out the detailed financial arrangements to be applied in respect of all joint services between Surrey and Sussex Police in line with Section 22A Agreement for Surrey and Sussex Collaboration.