Sarudzo Log 045/2021 - Mari yekupihwa kweVakavhiyiwa Services

Mapurisa uye Mhosva Commissioner for Surrey - Sarudzo Yekuita Rekodhi

Mari yekupa mabasa evanotambura

Chisarudzo nhamba: 045/2021

Munyori uye Basa Rebasa: Damian Markland, Policy & Kumisikidza Mutungamiriri weVashandi Sevhisi

Kudzivirira Kumaka: Official

  • pfupiso

Muna Gumiguru 2014, Mapurisa neMakomisheni eMhosva (PCCs) vakatora basa rekupa mabasa ekutsigira vanhu vakapara mhosva, kubatsira vanhu kurarama uye kupora kubva pane zvavakasangana nazvo. Bepa iri rinoburitsa mari ichangoburwa yakaitwa nePCC mukuzadzisa mabasa aya.

  • Zvibvumirano Zvemari Zvakajairwa

2.1 Sevhisi: IRIS Clinical Lead

Mupiro: East Surrey Domestic Abuse Service (ESDAS)

Grant: £8,840

Summary: The Identification and Referral to Improve Safety (“IRIS”) programme is a training and support programme which enables GPs to identify patients affected by domestic violence and abuse and refer them to specialist services, benefiting the patient and their children and saving NHS resources. In Surrey, ESDAS leads the delivery of the IRIS programme across the participating local authorities of Reigate and Banstead and Tandridge.

The IRIS programme relies on one Advocate Educator and one Clinical Lead who work in partnership with up to 17 GP practices. The Advocate Educator provides training to the practice teams, acts as their ongoing domestic abuse consultant and is the person to whom they directly refer patients for expert advocacy. The Clinical Lead, who is a practicing local GP, works in conjunction with them to engage with practices and co-deliver training. The Clinical Lead also attends the IRIS Steering Group meetings and works to ensure that the outcomes of the IRIS programme are met.

This funding agreement is to cover the costs of the Clinical Lead role from 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2023, to support the ongoing IRIS programme.

Budget: Homwe yeVictim 2021/22

3.0 Mvumo yeMapurisa neMhosva dzeMhosva

Ini ndinobvumira zvikumbiro sekutsanangurwa mukati Chikamu 2 yeiyi report.

Signature: Lisa Townsend (wet signature copy kept in OPCC)

Zuva: 11th Mbudzi 2021

(Zvisarudzo zvese zvinofanirwa kuwedzerwa kurejista yesarudzo.)